Disputes Thread

I imagine we wouldn’t have such a dramatic tread if this was a testicle field. I have noticed that I’m quite mad just before menstruation, it boils ower every time. Sometimes I sit and listen to the insane shitshow of my inner voice, it sounds posessed. I have a lot of deep rooted disturbing programming that surface the same time every month. It’s less frequent, but still there.

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Sounds like pmdd

Try the female reproductive rejuvenation on patreon, in my experience it can help with all kinds of pms symptoms make it easier.

Also testicle field what?


I do have premenstrual derangement disorder. I probably would have been a lot more chill with testicles.

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I think it’s premenstrual dysphoric disorder but sure that name works too hehe

And idk the dudes with the testicles have their challenges- lots of testosterone can be no joke


#dudeswithtesticleslifesmatter :pensive:


while that may be true, I’m pretty sure it’s also quite possible that the fields/systems are independent of DW, after they’re “released” to the giant computer that is the universe. DW having access to rewrite them doesn’t mean the fields have access to DW’s consciousness.

I bet there is no “anchor” other than a field ID (address) + some metadata (key) DW uses to access and modify the fields -if necessary-. Quite similar to modern-day cloud computing, but more advanced.


I think what I wrote is pretty clear. People are free to misinterpret it based on what their egos model the world as. :man_shrugging:t2:

each one of us reflect our egos quite clearly indeed ;)

Compare how many times you’ve used the word "I’ in your post with how many were featured in the post you responded to.

You also took a “currently” factual statement as an offense.

No matter. But, those with the eyes to see, will see.

Feel free to express your opinions, nothing wrong with that. Perhaps the post is an opinion as well. Who knows. Only time shall tell.

Collapsed possibility vs expansion. Rough choice to make, for sure.

Good luck, and, try to stay free.

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Look man, It would be really weird to offend each other under a thread called “The Holy Paladin”, and even in general that’s not my style.

However, I’ll kindly shed some more light on your assumption.

I use “I” before my statements because I know those are “my understanding” and I take responsibility for what I speak.
You think your thoughts are actual facts because you dropped using the word “I”?
That’s an inflated ego if you ask me. You are the one that feels “attacked” and can’t hold an intellectual conversation without making a prideful and condescending comment.

Now, I’ll stop here for one thing we agree on: some people hear what they want to hear, so there is no reason to continue.

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You probably won’t care to read this, but why not share it anyway - sharing is caring:


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I’ll live to see the day you command your own army under Aphrodite’s guidance.

Feels like you gained her favor.

again, that’s just your condescending opinion, brother.
I am the one who started an intellectual conversation quite gently and respectfully. You are the one with the “my words are the truth, you don’t know shit” attitude.

However, you really got me on my good behavior today, so I’ll respond back with a reading suggestion as well

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guṇa is a good start for figuring out why shitty attitudes lead to ignorance and misinformation.
  • Krishna, Lord of Paradox - Back to Godhead is a nice article for glimpsing into the nature of infinity. Just like the universe allows egos to experience separation through an illusion (it is a feature, not a fault), energy fields can be sustained by the universe independent of their creators.
    • Do you really think programmers like DW can’t implement encapsulation into their fields?
      • How much can a painting represent the painter?
      • How much does it help to meditate on a pair of shoes to understand what it means to be a bird?
        • aha, that reminds me of another good resource: Patanjali.

Take care, brother. I hope you see the love I’m extending here, despite your disrespectful behavior.
You may not always come across this.


Seeing it at work never ceases to fascinate, regardless of how many times it is observed. Truly a marvel, no doubt, a guardian of the final frontier…

No matter, at least you have good intentions. :man_shrugging:t2:

Hopefully …

Right, my bad.
I thought you were capable of correcting yourself.

I’m not sure if I should go with Luke 6:28 or Mathew 7:6 here.

I suppose both are valid for the occasion. Take care.

PS: I’m blocking you and I won’t see your further messages. Don’t waste your time either.

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Anyway, since a block occurred (thankfully), all can be spoken as is without any further triggering of ego and getting involved in endless pointless verbal diarrhea…

Most people that have been delving into this long enough can see the difference between thinking based on unity consciousness vs thinking based on separation.

It’s incomprehensible that someone would think there is anything intellectual about claiming a created object doesn’t allow access to the thought processes of its creator. Especially when the creator themself designed it in away which specifically aims to do so.

It is unclear why this entire digression had to occur. But it is definitely not rooted in a correct mindset.

It was, however, a brilliant display of how one’s ego function. A case study if you may. Anyone with an ounce of discernment could see that aside from the initial strawman, all responses were geared to project thoughts that actually applied to the poster themself, leading to an expected conclusion (complete rejection - as is typical of ego-based thinking).

Valuable things to learn from this.

Certainly, the individual believes they are doing well and assisting. So kindly, hold no prejudices against them.

We all have plenty of room to grow and evolve.

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