Disputes Thread

Yes I know, just wondering. I love him too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Wait, why not
It was cleared up, addressed, and resolved

In fact the lady whom we are referring to has now a brilliant plan of action in regards to how to combat it. That wouldn’t have been the case if it wasn’t for y’all.

we’ve some very interesting opinions on here true true. Trust me, I would know; had a person basically tell me my rape and serious socially anxiety from catcalling were manifested due to my subconscious limiting beliefs or whatever the hell else they continually yap about.
My solution? i’ve just muted them on here. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Ultimately the goal is for people to feel safe.

And remember the duo cant monitor or take down hideous comments asap on here or else how else would y’all get your merchandise :slightly_smiling_face:

and sam means well. Both do. He doesn’t toot his horn but he’s spoken to an insane amount of annons on here in the name of service, healing, support- be it video chat, phone, he’s done it. Both of them do actually. But they can only do so much; a safe space/place can only remain that way by continual engagement, active effort. And not of theirs, no they’ve done enough, but rather, us.

A boat can only stay afloat if and only if its blueprint can adequately support it, can adequately maintain it; just like that of a a safe space.
…Similarly we have to look back on us in order to have this safe space maintained; otherwise you’re right, it’ll get destroyed.

It’s on us. So lets keep trying shall we? :slight_smile:


"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."


I cannot grasp how this is even remotely close to being true. If this is a conclusive thought based on what was happening here before, which was simply two opinions clashing, which is literally happening everywhere, how is it that it makes the entire forum not recommendable as a safe place?

I’m really trying to understand this


I’m not going to sit here and tell you this is a safe space after what you have experienced. All I can say is I try to make this a safe space as much as possible. I stand up for people as much as I could but I know sometimes that is not enough. I made remarks in those other threads but they were not direct enough.

I have also triee to make this a safe space for people to voice their opinions on things but unfortunately, this sort of thing tends to be the cost. I prefer not to butt in and attack peoples opinions. I do think open discourse is important and is something slowly being lost in this day and age.

But the truth is, some opinions are rather hurtful and even if they are necessary truths, most people in this world lack the tact & compassion to deliver such truths. So if you mean well and intend to help people but hurt them instead, there is something off with how you communicate.

People can say all they want ‘people are too soft these days’ or ‘truih needs to be brutal’ but don’t realize to be helpful, is to also consider someones feelings and perspective on a situation. Otherwise, the person is going to be unreceptive to you. Then you end up arguing about why you’re right, and the person ‘you’re trying to help’ is wrong.

Why don’t people get this? I see it time and time again. Everywhere. People just don’t know how to talk to eachother. People want freedom of speech and to not be censored… but when they have it, descend to saying nasty things… and get offended that other people get offended and then scream at the world for not allowing them to be disrespectful.

But anyways. I apologize to everyone for not being able to make this place as balanced as it should be. I genuinely try and I know that the majority people here are well intentioned and carry on peacefully. I created this place and if anybody feels unsafe here, or any toxicity runs rampant, that’s something that happened under my watch. I take full responsibility for it.


I think we have to apologize to you because we are bothering you even during your wedding and honeymoon…

Thanks for creating this forum,
there’s so much to learn from you both Captain and Sammy.
The responsibility is ours too, to keep the forum balanced and safe for everyone.




I didn’t want to get involved in this argument. But in your previous message, you are comparing completely different situations.
In the “child - adult” relationship, nothing depends on the child, he cannot choose, he only accepts a model of behavior from an adult. Therefore, when you write that your parents have offended you, this is entirely their responsibility.
In the “Adult-Adult” relationship, the situation unfolds completely differently. Here both people can make a choice for themselves and not accept the imposed model of behavior.
In the situation you describe, you are very consistent with the role of the Victim (the Karpman triangle), and your abusers are the Aggressors. It’s not because you’re a woman and they’re men. Roles do not depend on your gender. And that doesn’t mean you have a victim mentality. In other ways, you can play other roles.
It absolutely does not devalue your feelings, it’s really hard for you to be in this situation. You absolutely logically want it all to end, to be saved. Vulgar jokes and insults in your address, cause you anger and resentment. But this is exactly what the aggressor wants from you. And as long as he gets it, he will continue.
You can wait for someone to save you from this (and this may well happen), or you can try to break this vicious circle. You can stop being a victim for the aggressor.
With this message, I do not want to accuse you of anything or offend you. But once I had to play the role of a victim in a similar situation at my school. No one could save me then and stop it. I had to break this circle on my own


@SammyG perhaps this would be a good subject for your hypnotic fielded series - Communication

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I am very glad that you managed to stop it. I don’t need the details, the main thing is that this situation will forever remain in the past

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There is a difference between “you” and your story. Your beingness is something that is, and cannot be silenced. Your posts, however, are a story - extremely important to you from your point of view and experience, but very different from the being that you are. Once you put your thoughts into the forum they are open for response and reaction.

We are a family here. You’ve been around for a year, so you must feel that. We are in the process of incorporating the energies of a myriad of amazing, transformative fields that affect the energy bodies of all who choose to participate in experiencing them. With the unquestionably great light released by these fields also comes the entropy, the chaos that is within our human identity, brought out to be released. Problem is, sometimes the chaos isn’t released, but identified with as a “me”. Our essential beingness is negentropic, free of chaos, confusion and heaviness.

We are in the process of rising higher in our understanding of what it means to be free beings. And it is a process. Our 3D identities have flaws, so what? We have an extraordinary opportunity to grow and thrive here, but it is not without growing pains. There are those here who have sought to help you, perhaps more focus can be put on the help that showed up rather than on that which didn’t? There are many who champion your right to have an experience in your uni that is a blessing to you. I am opening my mind and awareness to the realization that as long as we are still in bodies and think we are the mind there will be reactions that are less than we hoped for, but still there are lessons that can be gleaned, and hurts can always be transmuted.




Please know that we believe in you.
No matter what, finish what you started and don’t be afraid of anything, it will be a turning point
Perhaps you will inspire other girls in your class and everything will work out in the best way.
These “guys” haven’t grown up as individuals.
And yes, this field is must have in your situation


I don’t think anyone is doing that. More likely than anything they’re trying to open up your perspective.

Back to your og post, I’m not sure if it’s accessible again or not, so I’m gonna write it here:

With bullies there are two options imo, one is to bully back with a vengeance, and the other is to call upon a higher authority. I don’t know about the laws, but can’t you actually call the police if the harassment takes on extreme levels?

Other than that, you mentioned the contego shield. Have you tried some others like the black mirror stone shield? Or some protective NFTs?

Fields wise, I suggest abundance mindset, the unbreakable perhaps, or Excalibur? I’m not sure which ones you tried.

Just know this situation will pass as well


I just presented sound advice based on my experience with bullies, even in relation to your initial thread. I also described the situation as it is, without bias or judgment.

So I’m not really sure what’s the matter now :thinking:


When she said they were silencing her, she was referring to the fact that people were flagging her posts. You said they’re doing it to open her perspective, that’s how it reads.

Maybe you meant to say that the ones who gave opinions were opening up her perspective, not the ones flagging?


Look I understand myself that forums have rules because whoever creates it, is obviously going to be the one or group/team who sets them and if someone doesn’t want to follow them, they can always leave or they get the boot. Although with our current modern world/society in general, where do we ‘draw the line’ to not offend or upset someone? These days people are getting upset or offended over the smallest thing to the point that even doctors can’t even tell their patients they’re fat/obese because of ‘fatphobia’.

I’m not fat but I’m kind of overweight myself so I know the struggle. I’m not advocating that people should bully someone in to losing weight, but we should encourage weight loss (not praise it like we are doing) as a society because it’s unhealthy and it’s a strain on the healthcare system and environment. I remember a while back when I got this personal trainer/fitness coach to check my body fat % and BMI, who was afraid to tell me the news that I was overweight for the fear of been discriminating. I asked him what these numbers meant, and he nervously handed this graph card over to me (looking the other way/not making eye contact) that tells you whether your body fat % or BMI is healthy for your age for me to figure out myself.

A while back I once got kicked out of bar for saying England is a white ethic European/Caucasian country, which is only like saying Nigeria is a black African country. I was speaking to this Asian guy about history and culture, and I mentioned during the conversation (while on a specific topic) that the indigenous/natives of Britain over many generations are a descendant mix of white Anglo Roman/Romano British and French origin. He didn’t like my opinion and argued my point of view, but his girlfriend took it to the extreme and reported me to security saying that I was a racist and xenophobe… and I’m not event white anyway. The security guard was of black African decent which didn’t help my situation either because he just shook his head and looked at me like I should feel ashamed as I walked away from the bar to head home.

All I’m saying is sometimes facts are going to seem racist, homophobic, ageist, sexist or fatphobic etc (not to say the cases I made above). I mean how bad does it have to get before we begin destroying evidence, facts, data and free speech just so that someone doesn’t get emotional, upset or offended by it. Why should we control somebody’s voice/opinion/point of view or take their liberty away just to appease sensitive or over-emotional people.

Do you know back in the late 90s and 2000’s there was person in my city like Dream who had a shop that sold books/knowledge and similar things to what Dream sells to us now. What he was selling upset some people, so next thing you know as word got around, the extremists went in and set fire to it or tried burning his shop down. Why? Because some people got upset and offended by it and they thought it was their right to destroy all his work and silence him.


oh God how I love this post. Been wanting to write a similar post. See how harmful this snowflake culture is that I and am sure many others have been self-censoring truths that absolutely need to be said? Thank you for saying all this!

This notion that we have to at any and all costs avoid offending people is CANCER and it must stop.

and what I’m saying has zero to do with the incident between JAAJ and @anon24203759. Just speaking generally.

well…yeah! Absolutely! It is justified for someone to scream at the world for not allowing them to be disrepsectful. They have every right to be disrespectful. It would be beautiful if everyone naturally got along, but that’s not the state of the world. Not everyone is going to agree, ever. That person who may be throwing insults at someone may be doing so because that person, say it’s a teacher, is indoctrinating their kids into gender ideology without their permission at school or teaching them about sexual things at a very young age, etc. I say, fuck yeah, offend that sicko! Others that may happen to agree with the grooming will call that “disrespectful” and call for the silencing of this person. I call it justified, and actually indispensable. The federal government just labeled parents “domestic terrorists” who spoke out at school board meetings about these exact things.


I was in a NFT a long time ago and somebody took my copy (I just had one)
@SammyG Is this possible to get a copy of such NFT yet?

That is disgusting.
When i saw before your flags getting flagged, i was disgusted really.
Talk about whats the point of picking sides and then flag your posts.
Jesus christ.