Diverticulitis - field suggestions please

Hi, can you please suggest which free fields (Patreon , YouTube, Odysee) can be used in combination to treat Diverticulitis? I had initially been thinking of the Patreon premium field GI specialist, but since that is no longer available, what combination can help?

If there are any gumroad fields, please do share and I’ll buy it whenever we get the opportunity in the future.


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on Odysee Sapien Medicine:
*Intestine Healing and Regeneration

Did u have the $4.50 level of patreon and have those fields downloaded?

Also any anti-inflammation field


Thank you, I had the premium subscription, and have access to all the fields and albums downloaded.

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Abdominal wall restoration. It was free on YouTube so hopefully you’ll find it on Odyssey.

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In that case there is a specific fields for colon there.

  • The GI Specialist/Premium

Interesting, I wouldn’t have thought of that. Will add it to the list. Thanks.

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Do you by any chance remember the name? I’ve searched with colon, intestine and digestive keywords and I haven’t found the audio. I am also thinking of adding the wildflowers album since that seems to cover digestive healing as well.

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That’s a premium field, so sadly will not be able to use it.

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If U have it, I would still use it

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Ok, sure. Will try it, hoping it has some effect :crossed_fingers:


Also fields like, one of my favs:
*Senescent cell removal

*Vit C

Any of the generalized healing fields
and healing servitors (If u have any)