Hi guys i wanted to bring here a topic for people who already have a deep understanding about healings, frequencies and vibrations and spiritual terms
As we have seen, the frequencies for example, sapien medicine frequencies, have worked greatly on some people and not working for others. I wanted to bring my personal opinion. Everything is energy, frequency and vibration. But when things doenst work for us, there might be some reasons. I think it could be because of our aura that is not clean, or we have blockages on your subconiscous that doesnt allow the results, our root chackras are blocked and other things, like karma or our pre-program for life before we reencarnated (but we have free will to change).
So these factors, when we deeply understand and clean our body, mind, understand our purpose (for example astral projections are great for deep understand of our path on why things doesnt work) and we start projecting love, peace and forgiveness and start listening to those frequencies or some alternative medicine like quantum therapy or rifle frequencies, then it’s impossible for the cure not to come unless we dont want to heal.
That’s my perspective and i would like to hear yours