Do souls have a choice

Does a soul have free will after Death will to choose its next parents. What role does karma play in that.? @SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo


Welcome to the forums!

Depends on how you define “Choice” and “Free-Will”.
If you are into hard determinism (The philosophy) you are likely to believe that everything is unfolding following one sequence of events/actions that determine the reality of every being in the universe,

Soft determinism is a little more palatable (easier to accept), this is where you believe your options and choices are limited by external conditions, yet you still have the personal free-will to choose between your options given

In my point of view hard determinism is kind of a childish philosophy (but that could be because of I was taught it). It is like saying its "Its not my fault I killed a guy drunk driving, he was at the wrongplace at the wrong time and if he was going to die then I hold no moral or ethical remorse or guilty because everything was already been determined, it wasnt my free-will to drunk drive I was compelled to by environment,

These are just 2 ways of looking at the world, if I had say I was one I would be on the soft determinism side of the coin. I just feel like you gotta play with the cards your dealt and make the right choices in life.

So to answer your question

It depends on the individual. Some get very spirtual attached to a physical realm that it may seem like they dont have free-will when they simply have not crossed over yet. And Karma is a complex topic, it can get deep like when talking about ancestral karma, but I look at Karma as the LOA (Law of Attraction), i.e. you put out bad vibes and thats what you will get back.

The last official lyric of the Beatles legacy on Abbey Road is the song The End (Not counting the original hidden track of Her Majesty, another amazing song, the true final song of the Beatles

“And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love
You make”

That is what I call Karma. After reaching a Godly level of societal prestige this is what we were left with. A simple message, that we can all follow. It is one of my favorite lyrics of all time because of its straight t o the point simplicity


I waited for someone to give a solid answer before asking, why do you even care ?

Let me rephrase: what need does it fulfill, what motivates you ? What do you want to unlock by knowing that ?

(Not saying you shouldn’t care)


Interesting point to raise, I recently have found the pursuit of knowledge to be a tempting objective in this life, so I gladly entertain people seeking to have in-depth conversations on meta-physical and abstract concepts.

So If I where to answer yout question (althoigh I know it was proposed to OP) I would say simply for the sake of conversation, knowledge acquisition, unique perspectives, and possibly most of all self-improvement/spirtual growth.


The question was for anyone, thanks for replying.

I’m curious as to how knowing about your future life’s “allocation” would help you now…


I agree that it is childish to adopt such a philosophy and not take responsibility for your own actions.

But I mean, isn’t there a possibility that it could just be the true nature of things? I’m actually relatively convinced of it. Some of us are just more responsible than others simply because of our upbringing (parents that we did not choose) or possibly even nature (could there be a ‘responsibility’ gene)? Food for thought.

Or maybe we were irresponsible and then a terrible event that was destined to happen made us reconsider it (uncle got shot by a thief whom we could’ve stopped at an earlier time but didn’t bother) :wink:

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Yea that’s the whole part where talked about soft determinism being more practical and ethical/moral.

To be perfectly honest I dont subscribe to any of these “Fixed” system of philosophies/“truths”. I have found reality very subjective by nature so what I regard as true may be different then what you regard as true but I dont believe my or your way of thinking is “right” or “Wrong”.

Everyone has their own truth they can follow and I do not believe in absolute truth, but I still have my own morals and ethics if that make sense. I will fight for what I believe in, because it is the truth that I have found on this planet so far

Faith luck, whatever you want to call it is very real. I rather be on the good side of it than the bad side.
And I am very sorry to hear about your uncle, that is terrible

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Oh no I was making a Spider-Man reference haha. You know, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

Yes very true. It’s all about perspective isn’t it?


Alright,Thanks guys for your opinions . :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh lol, Poor Peter Parker :frowning:. He was always my favorite hero, witty, comical, and nonchalant. Genuinely one of my role models growing up and is still today. (I Just dont watch they new movies xD)

Yo Captain Nemo, how about a spiderman field? Lmao just joking (kinda :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)

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Now, What are Your thoughts on this @El_Capitan_Nemo and @SammyG .

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It depends on where you are in your spiritual journey. So it’s subjective.

As you are now, you are unaware of all that you truly are. You are now experiencing a small segment of your beingness. Your ego has a very limited view on the bigger picture. Even if you don’t like your parents or the situation you are in now, there is a greater purpose your parents, environment, ext… serve than you can currently observe. In essence, it’s what your soul knows will help you grow in the way that you need to.

Sometimes, to grow, you need to experience certain things and that could just be a lifetime of trials and tribulations. The soul is unconditional. It is eternal and therefore every life is simply a stepping a stone toward ascension. Some lives may seem wasted but in the bigger picture, serve the whole growth of the soul. Things we haven’t solved in a previous life may carry over (as energetic weight) to the next life in different ways in order for us to solve them and grow. Energy that weighs us down and keep us tethered here.

Currently, our consciousness is rooted on earth. Very much attached to the physical. So as long as we believe we are our egos, that we believe this to be reality and we remain rooted in earthly things, our consciousness will be recycled here. We are still a part of samsara.

And so the soul chooses our next life. It will choose things we, as our current selves, may not agree with right now. And because of that, it may feel like we don’t have free will. That is why spiritual teachers would always express that in order to free yourself, you must detach from desire. Detach from the earthly tethers. Detach from the ego.

Because once you do, you ‘awaken.’ Your consciousness/will becomes aligned with the soul. You become detached from the earthly realm and can begin to consciously choose with the perspective of the bigger picture. This is ascension. Now you’ll get to choose. As to whether it’s truly free will or not is a question I still ponder on… considering our souls also serve the growth of the universe so don’t we act according to the ‘all’s’ will then? Idk lol.

This is what I think based on current knowledge though. I don’t truly know as I don’t remember what happened the last time I died lol. It is more than likely that we will all have quite a different experience of the after life that’s tailored to where we are in our spiritual journey. So take what I say with a grain of salt.


Huh… Whattt?!

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The more I know, the more I don’t know :man_shrugging:


sammy, is dreamweaver a mind reader or something, how does he put out things in adequate sync with much of people (including me)?

Identification my firend. Identifications…
Who are you identifying with/as?
Same as everything you just said…but another level(s) up. :slight_smile:


Om, may you answer?

Ties in with Sammy’s statement and my response…
There’s only one of us here…


Based on years of researching this topic, finding many different answers, many based on beliefs/opinions… all i can come up with, is that no one knows.

If there are so many different views, does that mean there isn’t one, true answer? Maybe there are limitless possibilities of what happens to your soul after/prior to inhabiting a physical body, and what happens is determine by your beliefs - like if I believe my soul chooses my parents, then I did choose them, whereas if I believe in random choice whre i didn’t choose, then thats what happens.

Slightly off topic, but that makes religions make more sense, why people associate with the beliefs of certain religion and not others. M


Ah, true true.