I have been using @El_Capitan_Nemo fields (audio and tag)… Recently I notice when I bleed, it takes really really long time to coagulate. Just wondering if there is any field that affect that…
And is there a field that helps to coagulate blood faster?
Thank you.
Hi Peace!
I don’t think there is a field that can cause this. This issue could be caused by other factors like:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Low HGH (human growth hormone)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Vascular or arterial diseases
- Zinc deficiency
These fields can support your body, so that it will heal itself faster:
Anti Aging (only on Patreon)
Thank you.
Hmm. Could be a Vitamin K deficiency. Green leafy vegetables are a good source to get your levels up (if that’s the issue).
Thank you. The possible causes from medical point of view, can be easily look up on the internet. Since I am using morphic fields, I am looking for possible cause from existing fields (if any) by asking this (morphic field) forum. If there is none (morphic fields) affect blood coagulation… Then, will focus on medical views.
It can be caused by herbs ,vitamins, medications, etc…
Vitamin E or aspirin for example.
I would buy a good vitamin k2(mk4) supplement . It’s good for your whole body anyway .
Thank you.