Does anybody know for sure wheter tag effectiveness gets split up?

So i read everywhere that you should run around with no more than 4 tags. But let’s say i have two tags on does every tag only work 50% then?

Also do you guys sleep with the eternity or the A.P.E because it gives me huge energy surges i put it away.

I’d love to know because if the items effectiveness gets split up i would be wearing different items for different situations. (MM on a date , shield at work and so on).


Generally, no, I do not sleep with the A.P.E. tag. I have gotten away with it a few times on accident but I figure I must have been very tired on those nights.

I’ve slept plenty of times fine with Eternity.

Effectiveness does not get split up. The recommendation has to do with you not feeling overwhelmed by too many fields.

I do wear different items for different situations not because of anything getting split up but just because of the effects I desire in different situations. I found that MM was not what I wanted in the workplace for one example.


thanks for your input i put my ape socializer and match on one chain . I think i will keep the SM and the MM on one band and the ape solely on the other.

i have to add i have strong ocd so i am still afraid that if i wear them all together that they dont work fully. i reallly hate ocd

On a date i’d wear the SM and MM plus pheromones and at work i’d wear the A.P.E.

by the way the shield in the A.P.E is very strong

Yes, it is the primary reason I use APE. Even though there are plenty of other great reasons to have it. I actually prefer it to the Shield Tag, even though I see it as better in any truly dangerous situation.

Edit: Actually I have to take that back a little bit. Sometimes I feel better using Shield as a shield in the workplace and at other times APE feels or seems to work better. I haven’t nailed that down yet.


i am also wondering wheter the Social Mastery and the Shield/APE contrdict? In social situations are many times energy vampires and people that want to rub themselves off at you.

Yeah. It’s a weird dynamic. I haven’t fully come to a conclusion there yet on what is going on with people. But I’ll give you my bit of understanding for the moment which is a work in progress.

If you are with a good person or with good people then I don’t think they will contradict.

But you just may discover that good people are more rare than you would like to believe.

I’ve gone back and forth many times using APE and Shield with different social groups and people. What I’m starting to believe is that Shield will reveal a hostile person to you faster than it would take you to realize naturally.

APE as I understand it is a passive psychic shield. Meaning it only works in one direction, on what is coming towards you, and how you take things. But Shield works both ways and actually has an affect on anyone hostile to you. The description says it convinces the would-be attacker that they should not attempt to harm you; whether through causing them to fear you, Or if fear would provoke them to attack, it somehow convinces them that you are not worth attacking.

I’ve seen this work on men who are much larger than me, where fear was not the right tactic for them, and they just glare at me with contempt in a way where it’s obvious they are letting me know that they are sure they could kick my ass. Which, oddly enough, is exactly the thing that keeps them from attacking. But while they are pouring that hate out towards me, absorb negative energy is working. And Holy Shit does it work. It’s a weird feeling when you are absorbing negative energy that is that strong.

And at other times wearing it I’ve seen people at church who are supposedly sweet just glaring at me with hate. What I’m trying to say is that it reveals people. I’ve found very evil people in church before, years ago, but it took me a long time to identify them, and I actually suffered a lot at their hands. But now, after one visit, the vampires just broadcast themselves to me. Whether it’s because they feel that they cannot get in psychically or I’m seeing them being dissuaded from causing harm, whatever it is, the hate in them just shows up on their faces bold and clear when I’m wearing shield.

So lately at work I’ve been trying to take it easy on the vamps there, just wearing APE. But lately they’ve been showing up with their hostility anyways, so I think I’m going to go ahead and hit that big red button again which is Wearing Shield.


Just wanted to add, I would be happy if Dream or SamuelG or any moderator wanted to comment on what I’ve said here. I definitely am not wanting or trying to cast the Shield Tag in a bad light. I don’t think that is what I’ve done. But just in case, if it comes across that way, it would be cool to have someone “moderate” my thoughts stated above.


this is exactly what i wanted hear thank you for sharing your experience. But are you 100% that the fear component is NOT on the A.P.E i would love if somebody could confirm that because then i’d buy the shield next.

i was more convinced about buying the A.P.E because when i’m attacked i will fight back and hit harder and with the super human mutant i should beable to fight men much taller and bigger than me.

i love how my grandpa and my dad who are both narcs beyond belief just couldn’t get a reaction out of me. I didn’t break or snap at all. But the fear i need when i go out in a club and i get circled by 5 guys again because the ladies like me.


Wow. It sounds like someone understands me. Narcs and insecure-man hate. Yep, that’s my world. Lol. Thanks for sharing because I almost deleted my post. Got kinda paranoid that it might have sounded negative.

Hopefully someone else will confirm for you, but yes I believe only Shield has “Aura of Fear”.

I wouldn’t mind even a third type of shield designed just for dealing with toxic people. Like it would have an “Aura of Just Go Away” (that would work only on toxic people) - because I really do like some people.

But I really hope Combat comes back as a tag just in case one of these types jumps me in the parking lot.


can you explain the combat item?


[All of the below is quoted from the old Enlightenedstates website, Link posted above]

Combat Aid

No one ever wants to end up in a life or death struggle, casting desperately around for anything, any tool, any old bit of information, any bit of personal strength that can be dredged up from the depth of their being to survive…
Unfortunately, as the world shifts and changes, some of us may have less choice in the matter if we wish to survive.

The Combat Aid item is designed to do one thing: Get you through a life or death struggle.

It is not designed to make you more proficient at Kata or sparring, or to help you win a “slap boxing” match with your brother at the family picnic! It is meant to give you access to skills and a singular combative state of being in dire emergency.

It is also not truly geared towards simple survival. (If that were the case, most of the time you would, and should, simply run away, that being the single most successful survival tactic.) It is geared towards the concept of total combat. Fighting with everything you have, using any trick you can muster, to destroy an attacker at a moments notice.

This item is incredibly complex, and many of the fields would not make sense to most people. Here is an overview of what you will get however.

(Please note that all of these are combat activated, and very strong. These effects will work themselves deeply into your psyche and suddenly “spring” out when needed, in an attack or fighting situation. DO NOT WEAR THIS ITEM WHILE SPARRING OR PRACTICING!)

Specific Fields Carried by This Item

Pain control: At the point of activation, almost all sense of pain will vanish. Any remaining pain will be placed on a mental “back burner” allowing you to fight well past the time others would be finished if needed.

*You will not feel it if you are solidly connecting blows or applying enough pressure with chokes and locks. Be alert for the sound of breaking bones in your opponent if you wish to stop short of lethal damage.

Immediate action : When a threat presents itself, you will begin your physical response almost a full second before your conscious mind can catch up. This gives you a large jump on an attacker, who will not expect a response anywhere near that fast.

*I have tried to create a field that will allow you to respond only to real threats. However, there is a fine line between someone “playing” at attacking you and someone doing it. This information will be filtered through your own subconscious perceptions. This means at times, if you are not careful and watchful, you may find yourself striking a person that made aggressive movements, without aggressive intent on their part. Please be watchful of this kind of thing so your subconscious mind will control for it at the time.

Specified attack points: This item will, at the point of attack, cause you to strike out at the bodies most vulnerable areas, eyes, throat, groin, knees, back of the head and so on. These will present as repeated movements, taking advantage of the situation for greatest effectiveness.

*Most people have been taught to avoid these areas of attack, through sports, television and even martial arts training! This will not hold in a fight however, not while in possession of the Combat Aid item.

Embedded movements: If you are a martial artist or fighter of some kind, this items field sets will allow you to move in your trained pattern, at a higher level of proficiency than adrenalin normally allows. For those with no particular training or those to far out of current practice, this item has over a dozen punches, three basic (but effective) kicks and five different throws, complete with a small template that can cause situation appropriate variation.

*Given the nature of the attacks you will find yourself launching without conscious volition, you will likely never see all of these movements. People will tend to be taken out of the equation to quickly.

Basic Weapons Skill: This is a simple template, allowing you to pick up almost any object and use it as a weapon.

You will also use anything as a weapon that you can when attacked. This can place you at liability for lethal force, so again, be watchful of your environment to prevent an accidental “misfire”.

This item is not a toy or a curiosity. If you are wearing it during a violent attack or confrontation, your responses will be largely out of your control, immediate and geared towards stopping your attacker as rapidly as possible. If this object were to be ripped off during an attack, your system will still remain keyed towards the pre-programmed responses until some days after the event. At that point (about three to five days later) you will either need to start wearing the item again, or replace it if lost.

Obviously, this is not designed for bar fights or getting “revenge” on the local bully! Please use it with the utmost responsibility.


wow that sounds like something i would buy just because. Hope he makes this available this sounds to good to be true


Why is that if you don’t mind me asking

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Would also want to known. I feel it perfect for work . It’s just impossible to dislike you lol

It’s just a personal preference.

This is from the official description.
“This psychically generated signal literally causes those near you to want to be with you. You will seem friendly, kind, sexy or whatever it is they most desire to see.”

Depending on who I am dealing with, I may or may not want them to see me as what they most desire to see.


I wear Glory and Social Mastery on one chain. I wear it 24/7.

I use Glory to complement Social Mastery as my main goal and focus is on Mastering social interactions (seduction, pick up, influence, persuasion, charm, charisma)

I’ve never felt drained or tired wearing the tags and listening to audios

Audios are mainly “the point of no return” stack with a couple audios thrown in…all of which help my tags work better (Energy Blockage removal, ego Dissolution, exorcism, subconscious limits, love gratitude and appreciation,…etc


this field is just beautiful, powerful and incredible, too bad I have not seen and bought it once when it was still available, strongly that it comes back one of these days (with an improved version, if only it is still possible to improve such a perfection…lol).

@Atreides and all the others too , Now that we’re talking about combat and defense (shield field / APE, ETC), do you know if it’s different beacons can also protect us from The astral , First when we are in our physical body and not in astral projection, then when we are in astral projection, does APE or PROTECTION FIELD protect us well against all kinds and all types of astral entities ?!Are there also audio morphic fields or beacons that help / train in astral combat during out-of-body experiences ?! If not, it would be another wonder dream could create.

PS: the minions can perhaps be very useful and help a lot with this (basic, alpha minion, light minion, dark minion, the dragon Golem minion, etc.), but the dog tags and audio fields have and will also have their importance.

a question more related to the title of the topic in this thread

When you boost a field 10 times for example (with the field booster sigil), When our energy system / mind is trying to readjust and accept again the new field power that has been boosted 10, It gradually accepts a certain percentage of power / information from the boosted field, Or when the system starts to accept the boosted field, all the power / information of the boosted field is now communicated again to the dogtag holder ?!
I don’t know if it’s clear, but if anyone has an idea, it’s ok.

I’m not sure what you are asking. Boosting works very well in my experience. I don’t believe I have ever felt the need to boost anything more than once. And certain fields I think are best left un-boosted.

If you boosted something 10 times, I believe it would work. That might be pushing it too far though. I think it was said somewhere that fields could become unstable if boosted too much.