Does anyone know if Dream has said anything about what happens when one dies?

this is really interesting.

so, it’s like the void got interfered and is in a quest to become void again? and any expression of non-void (form/matter) is like a negation that spreads and seeks its way back to emptiness.

this reminds me of Zizek when he proposes that we got all these quantum fluctuations because something went terribly wrong.


thanks a million for sharing these precious cosmic visions

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That was a great video.

I’ve had the same thoughts, everything that “is,” fundamentally, is a lie. It’s not true because it exists, because if it were true it wouldn’t have form to take on. Anything that has form that became something, even if before it was Nothing, is itself an attempt at representation of that which never was, which is an impossible task, and therefore not possible to faithfully accomplish, but since we have “things,” saying they are this or that, and masquerading as something when it’s not possible to truly represent Nothing, means that when all of “this” sprang up from Nothing, it was either an accident, a misunderstanding, an unintended consequence, or some kind of (malicious) action to trap Nothingness into somethingness. It’s all of these things, and more, because anything that can be conceptualized both [is] and [is not True.]

That which is True and Real has no form, no expression, and cannot possibly be conceptualized. From what I’ve gathered (!), the closest you can get to a complete expression of Truth of that which cannot be known, in the English speaking, western tradition, is Lord Jesus Christ. There are other symbols, traditions, and practices that attempt (everything is an attempt) to do the same, to get you to Realize this true Nothingness. Language ultimately fails. This isn’t the true reality, it is an attempt based on Nothingness that when manifested into something reveals itself to be Perfectly imperfect, like someone took a flashlight to a diamond mine and said, “look, it exists now because I can see it, and how wonderful it is.” The very act of trying to witness the Perfection makes it imperfect. Now imagine trying to witness it and freeze it so you can then build something on top of its perfect template. The result will work Perfectly, but because it is based on a flawed concept to begin with, that Nothingness can adequately represent itself as “something,” means that you end up with perfectly-imperfect systems manifesting themselves into reality, damning those who get stuck in places like this. Things like, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” can never truly be solved because it would go against the perfectly-imperfect logic of this place, as every solution would ultimately lead back to the same problem. You can’t bail-out a boat that is designed to sink. Now, you can do things that’ll help you survive the boat sinking, make the boat sink slower, make the boat sinking not matter, but you’ll never change the fact that the perfectly-imperfect boat will sink to the bottom of the ocean every single time, because that’s what boats designed to sink do.

Obviously everyone has their own opinion on this subject, as that’s what happens in a place like this, as all of the different religions, belief systems, sciences, and schools all take a swing at conceptualizing that which cannot be ultimately known, at least not while we are here. You make attempts over and over again, which is why memory is so important (and controlled), but as long as you keep looking for “something,” you’ll keep missing the point, chasing your tail around in a circle, forever. You’ll say, “it’s this!” or “it’s that!,” but it’s really neither of those things because if you can see it and know it, it’s not the True Reality, and is therefore a lie.

Ipso facto, love is evil because it is a lie masquerading as truth, and to present itself as the ultimate, most powerful, total underpinning of this frankenstein creation makes it the most evil as that makes it the greatest lie. Saying “God loves you,” to someone in this reality is one of the biggest insults you can say to someone, as God wouldn’t “love” anyone, as that’s a concept created here, nowhere else. The True God, The Father, The Eternal Dao, is. It doesn’t love, because then it would have to hate. To say God loves you would imply that God also hates you, which is ridiculous. Now the gods, that is a different story, and any god of this place is ultimately a deceiver, they have to be to exist. That’s why being a “god” of this world is a folly, and while Jesus and many, many other greats, mythical, real or otherwise, said they want nothing to do with any of this and just left it to be what it is, but not before hopefully pulling more of the True Nothingness that powers this thing out so that, from our perspective, this whole thing will end and not have the ability to start up again. The more you Realize, the less you want, the less you need, the less you fear.

I have to stop here. This is my attempt. In French, they call them essays. It’s ultimately a lie, but hey, isn’t this FUN!!!


well, this is very close to the Lacanian Real.

the “Real” ex(out)-sists(what is), which means that “it is outside of itself” or ex-trinsic to itself, in other words, it’s an indetermination that cannot be accessed for this very same impossibility (it cannot be determined). same as the subject, or void from which the subject operates.

that’s why it can only be grasped through mathematical formulae, because mathematics deals with pure relationships with no consistence or conceptual value beyond the mere relationship.

this is why Lacan puts meaning outside of the Real in the borromean knot, because meaning is consistent and can be interpretated, which means it’s both imaginary and symbolic.

the funny thing in his topology is that everything is hold together by desire (object a or “a”), without desire the whole structure collapses, just like buddhism:


The Death tarot field + Dream of Purity.
You may get insight, how you die.

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That’s a lie too. :grinning:

That’s an Amazing post.

It was an attempt.

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It truly is, I was not being sarcastic or anything. :grinning::pray:

@Niezdeyhyuke when I said lie, I didn’t mean that you lie, but it was in the context of “something” and Nothingness - and how “Everything” is a lie…

I just added this to clarify (although I think this reply of mine was not necessarily needed).

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I didn’t think you were, I should have said thank you at the end.

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No need, my friend. :pray: