Does etheric cord cutter work both ways

will they find relief from the severance if its me listening if i was the lower vibrational being in the situation. @Alkul i’d find reassurance from your answer

If it’s smart cord cutter or PU’s cord cutting, only positive things will happen overall.

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I think so, that’s what happens when you cut a cord. Separation between two things that were previously tied.

The intention is also important, if you do not want to cut a specific cord it will not be cut because you decide.

Although I don’t know what use an etheric cord has outside of stealing your energy.

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The smart field:


Now I understand why every time I used the normal Etheric cord cutter, a certain person texted me the same day or the next day. It’s as if he somehow realizes that something is missing and wants it back, even though we don’t even interact frequently.