Does more luck = more Bad luck?

i agree with pia!

this gives one an opportunity to practice optimism. instead of looking at the glass half empty, you can see that the glass is also half full.

if you lost something, maybe in your search of finding it you find something better.


I am a optimistic person and I mostly think that the universe means it good but when I miss 3 busses idk what to see there
But right now my life is good


Yes if the good luck increases it’s all well.
And in the long run, the wider perspective, I’m pretty sure that most of what seems to be bad luck also gives us a chance to revise what we truly want.
And sometimes we have bad luck that will always feel like bad luck however we try to think about it.
That’s part of life. :wink:


That you missed the bus where someone had committed and they can’t rid of the smell? Or
That you missed the bus where the lady went into labor and they had to wait until the paramedics came? Or
That you missed the bus that you your boss, who was still stewing over something that you did on Friday, on it? Or

Really, there are so many ways tis could be “good” luck for you, if you look for it.

And this is key with the luck fields because our luck is often a matter of how we look at things.


Exactly. Also missing the bus has to to with one’s own effort of being on time for example…:wink:


how ‘luck’ works in a closed world system, is that, if all things are defined as equal,
Then this would suggest that the bad luck should be dumped to those around you.
While you experience the good. A measure for measure.
If you found 20 dollars
means also somebody lost 20 dollars.

The difference in these, is that it is burned/converted like in crucible, to produce a state where it doesn’t rely on the bad luck of others to fuel your good luck.

The horseshoe and clover, 777 etc. work a lot differently
as the concept of this kind of luck is a larger mass of ideas defined by people over the hundreds of years using it.
Doesn’t work quite the same way as an ‘exchange’ good for bad.
They work more along the lines of a unwavering faith or belief that can help ‘redesign’ your personal reality/environment.
like a symbol (the horseshoe, the clover) representing this mass created potential.

777 being more focused on ‘alignment’ a subset of the main flow of reality.
In this state, things ‘flow’ naturally and align for success in a sense a more tailored probability alteration.

So no,
Does more luck = more Bad luck?
it doesn’t do that :slight_smile:
Or in the way you thought.


It’s conversations like this which remind me of the story of the Chinese farmer and the horse…

Once a upon a time in ancient China, an elderly farmer was out walking his fields with his son, when they came upon a horse.

The horse had no markings of ownership and the farmer and his son, being honest people, couldn’t remember a horse like this belonging to any of their fellow townsmen.

The son was over he moon with enthusiasm. “Dad,” he exclaimed, “this is great! An additional horse! Do you know what that means? We can plow twice as much or twice as fast. We can grow more crops and you won’t have to work so hard! This is the luckiest day of our lives!”

The farmer looked at his son, shrugged non-committally and said, “We’ll see.”

Some time later, the son was trying to train the horse. As he was doing that, the horse threw him and the son broke his leg.

The neighbors heard the news and were distressed for the family. Each one of the neighbors said to the farmer, “That horse, it’s bad luck. Look what happened to your son because of that horse. You should get rid of that horse; it’s bad luck.”

The farmer thanked the neighbors for their concern, shrugged non-committally and said, “We’ll see.”

A short while later, the Imperial Army came through town drafting all the able-bodied men of the town into service for the bloody war that the Emperor was fighting. Only the farmer’s son was spared, because of his broken leg.

The neighbors said to the farmer, “If your son hadn’t been thrown by that horse, his leg wouldn’t have been broken and he too would’ve been taken off to war like the rest of the men. That horse! That’s a lucky horse!”

The farmer, shrugged non-committally and said, “We’ll see.”


Wow! That’s fascinating, Captain! I didn’t know something like that was possible. Super creative of you to come up with that.

Because I’ve had (haven’t we all?) experiences like your 20 dollars example–most recently, right after playing the Kubera fields for the first time, I had found a crumble of bills outside. Whilst finding additional money is always a delight (and, tbh, helpful right now) the condition of the crumble suggested it had been lost by someone whose need for those bills were greater than mine.

There was no one around so, with some misgivings, I claimed the crumble. I was well aware that my good fortune came from the misfortune of someone else, which isn’t something I prefer.

So, I’m really excited that you shared this aspect of these fields with us today. Thank you!


Yeah, but keep in mind that the Captain said above that this win-for-lose rule only would apply in a closed system.

Now neither our world/planet is a closed system, nor is the supply and flow of money in our economic system.

On one hand we have a fiat currency, which means banks can and do print more currency all the time and supply it into the economy.

And even if would have a limited supply of money in the economy and not print any new bills, the same single dollar bill can be used for an infinite amount of transactions and by this generate value for people.
The more often the bill is used to purchase something the more additional value can take place in the economy.

So it would be an open system even with a limited amount of dollar bills, because the transactional rotation speed of money can simply be increased.

Which means for the luck aspect, let’s say suddenly everyone on the planet would listen to the luck field and attract more value into their lives. In reality this then would simply manifest as more financial transactions taking place than before. The same dollar bills would be used to generate more and more value and everyone would have the experience of “being more lucky”.

This is just one mechanism how this can work out and there many others…

I think that is also the reason why something like…

…is actually possible, because the morphic field has the power to influence many different variables in an open world system. And the world is an open system.


I understand. That was my point. I had had my experience of my “good” fortune (thank you, Kubera–and everyone else who was in on it!) before reading Captain’s post today. And without the benefit of Captain’s post today, I fell into a thinking pattern that I now know I don’t have to torture myself with, thanks to the information in Captain’s post today.


I see. Now you can release that guilt and move towards a stronger abundance mindset :hugs:


Dunno tbh, but my gacha luck has been pretty bad lately even with using luck fields.

If you find money on the street. Always affirm yourself that you worth taking the money. ( I am money magnet) then the money is yours


Btw dream explanation very good. And also wow so the field work like that. That’s very good because it let people around you get the luck as well.
(Speaking of experience) I know people who use this kind of magick to bring that luck but affect those around them in a bad way

In here people who uses charm needle (susuk) if they want to be more lucky in term of their busines for example. They get more lucky but at the same time people around them who use this charm noodle will experience lack in their finding. In term of costumer. And so on and even make their business go bankrupt.
This is common in where I live. And it’s sad because the innocent people get affected in a bad way while it benefits the user who use the charm needle in good way.

Dream fields really work differently and I like that. It not only benefit the user but the people around them.


Is it also the case for the audio "POWERFUL GOOD LUCK ENERGY: ATTRACT GOOD FORTUNE AND MIRACLES " on youtube? @SammyG @Captain_Nemo

Hi, i am not Dreamweaver or Sammy but yes, those will align you with the luck energy that already exist like a stream line to you


Ok thank you for your answer but are your sure about it? I just wamt to stay safe and not create bad luck for other people if this would be like in a closed system.

Yes i am sure.

He mentioned that as “how would normally happens … without fields”

And then:

Meaning of course his fields wouldnt be causing bad luck to others due to bringing luck to you.

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Ok I understand but I just didnt knew if this also applies to the luck audio from youtube and not only to the probability alteration audio from YouTube.

No audio by him would harm others in any way or form. That is all :slight_smile:
Enjoy them and they would instead sprinkle blessings to those around