Hi, has anyone tried Advanced Tachyon Energy products and know if they affect the morphic fields in any way? I have been using tachyon products for many years and have a lot of them at home filling my appartment with tachyon energy. https://store.planet-tachyon.com/
I have the same question. @El_Capitan_Nemo @SammyG
No they will not.
Ah this… I’ve seen the name around before, is this legit? Seems a bit… off to me.
Though in my country is the “tachyon chamber” or whatever it’s called that was activated by XYZ and they charge you to… be in it.
They say these particles are “faster than the speed of light” and they are in physical space and not physical at the same time but… in the end it is sort of nonsense.
If I believe @_OM’s fried Daniel, if it is faster than the speed of light, it emits radiation for example (Unless I misunderstood of course).
ooooh…someone’s understanding some deep concepts!
Yeah, so according to reciprocal theory, they are marketing “radiation” devices…
Not so “mystical” sounding now, huh?
which means…it’s probably just …
Yes it works, it is kind of powerful, it is a very neutral and clean energy.
I’d say just starting… I have a ton of questions… it feels like on the one hand he talks about time space as 3D but all the examples that he gives are 2D or even 1D. E.g. I understand that in front / behind is equivalent to future/past in our 3D, with a unit conversion.
However what about when something is on top of something else in 3D time. What if someone does a 90 degree turn? Changing timeline would be like… jumping from one place to another sideways, right…?
Anyway, I find that reading the different pdfs and then going back to the first ones helps with the understanding. It’s not so easy to wrap your head around it. I’m planning to spend a lot more time studying it, then I might post something with the remaining questions :)
Do what feels right for you of course.