If I play for example “Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning” from dream seeds will my dogtag (of any kind) get cleansed? will the effects from the dogtag get cleansed from my aura? or if I play any other audio while wearing will it make it less effective for the time the other field is active?
It will not do anything to reduce the original field. I would say that you aura has to share fields so the more you have active at one time the less each one will do. But it’s not an exact one to one.
you sure that it gets split up? I use the sigil booster every night i have the matchmaker and the thor mandala on all the time. I dont think they get reduced in effectiveness. They are made to be combined i read that somewhere. If you boost the items everyday you should still get all effects.
The dog tag itself will not be affected by the audio at all, as the audio only affects you.
I’m not sure, as I haven’t noticed this very much myself and the tag acts continuously on our energy body even as we listen to the audio.
Even if the Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning audio clears your aura, the long term effects from the tag will not be cleared, as Dream has said that listening to that audio a few hours after another audio is fine and won’t clear the effects then.
The tag will also continue working on your aura during and after listening to it.
Most likely not, unless your physical and energy body is already at a limit with different fields and listening to the audio overwhelms you more.
Most people can wear 4 or more field items and continue to listen to permanent physical change fields and additional fields.
If you play an audio that has the same field (or subfield) as an item you are wearing, or a related field that works well together with the item, they will actually work together synergistically and strengthen each other’s effects.