Has anyone done a dopamine detox and how did it help u
It was really hard to do it first of all because you rewire your brain, after the detox you will feel happier overall. I was unhappy with everything after I did the dopamine detox I was happy even for breathing (and that’s true).
I did nofap,stopped drinking coffee and smoking, stopped watching social media and started doing things I didn’t want to do, like reading and so on, you know how it goes!
Yeah bro I’m gonna try to do it for like a week because I relapsed today after my longest streak 15 days and I binged, so I need to rewrite my brain
no need to pressure yourself, I did the same mistake for like a year, after I cleared the belief that I have to rewire my brain my brain rewired itself, just think if you will feel good after you fap, you will not and that’s your motivation
Alright bro thanks