Dream’s most powerful field?

Thank you ! Sorry for answering so late. I just saw it!

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I don’t know why that field is criminally underrated, but the very first field I listened to was Radical Positive Change (https://youtu.be/4ELS8M0Soak?si=Z80ho_lRiG3cf3nj) . The day after listening the first time I broke off a very unhealthy relationship, and the next few days I started making very visible changes in my life.


It’s actually beautiful …that audio

Like a knife through the cobwebs and you see a door open. :joy::joy:

All purpose anxiety removal for me, it worked almost instantly.

I think he said plasma flaunt and blueprint of life are his master pieces


Welcome adventurer. Seeking a one size-fits all solutions for ALL of life’s problems, eh?

I’ll make you a playlist - and if you’re really serious about change, you’ll listen to it, if not, by all means, ignore it:

3 times

For 20-30 minutes

For 20-30 minutes

2 times

12-20 minutes

3-5 times

2-3 times

2-3 times

3-5 times

2-3 times

3 times

3 times

3 times

5-10 times

3-4 times

2 times

Once every 4 hours

Try this, and nothing else, every day, for 3 months, see if anything changes :sparkles:



I would give the same advice.
Very powerfull combination.

Comsider adding
Divine love - for me it works like divine protection , guidance of sort

Probability luck and alteration and powerfull good luck energy - You need some good luck

Taffeite - let me tell You i started using it not long time ago.It already stopped chain of unfortunate events in my life.

I found perfect job, got my finances straight, resolved some family issues.

Communicate to the field what do you need and want. Interact with the field.

I discovered lately that its much more powerfull than passive listening.

Also raise your vibe before other fields

I wish You all the best :green_heart:


Exacltly :point_up:

Be strategic. Don’t show any progress.
Let them think nothing changes, while doing all the work behind thier back.

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I might try this, but I’d have to cut down the amount of times playing the fields, otherwise I’ll fry my system to no return🫠

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