Dream's connection to the moon? Mystery to be solved!

Hello dear community!

I’m new here but I had to join because I am mind blown by the energetic strength of dreams audio talismans. I have experience with energy practice doing qi gong for almost 10 years on & off & some years more disciplined, so I get instant reactions to all of them!

I am a professional astrologer, and I was doing a remedy to purify & clear the lunar planetary flow. It gave me great results, changed my metabolism, approach to life, material life, money & brought me my soul mate. But at the End it made me discover sapien medicine & all this amazing world.

I saw a woman in youtube comments call dream the moon man & he had a mysterious reply as always. So without a doubt he has this connection with the moon. Can someone clear this up?

Also if anyone needs astrological help with anything I’m free to help free of charge or through exchange beautiful community!

Peace & light!


Well he did create a field ‘journey to nibiru’ lol

Welcome to the forum ;)
There are some astrological topics, nice to have people around who can bring a new perspective.


There was just an old subscriber on dreamseeds, said something like that more as a joke,
a bit of fun,
but now others say it now and then.
No mystery at all.
Quite mundane.


Welcome to the forum.

Legend has it that the vocal stylings in the Pure Moonlight audio are from the man himself.:first_quarter_moon_with_face:


You mean if we still can’t solve this mystery

but will we be able to find out who is the other team protagonist, that is Dream? :smiley:

Hello and welcome to the Sapien forum! :beers:


Hmmm Thats exactly what I would say if I had a mystery to hide :thinking: :thinking:




It’s more likely that you cleared your own connection with the moon :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I found Sapien meditating to Venus, he must be from there :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t worry she been invited! :smiley:


I believe you mr.nemo but the fact that the lunar remedy brought me to your majestic work on assisting humanity says otherwise… Thank you !

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Yes this is definitely the central aspect to it. But as my work has taught me everything goes in fractals! So he has the connection, maybe he is not aware of it …dunno…


I think I recognize the person who said that XD

But yeah she is joking around I suppose

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Hello. Imogen, you have a YouTube channel, right?


Yea I do

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Dear community!

Yesterday I had one of the biggest revelations so far with dream’s opera. Please be patient & I hope you enjoy this long read.

First of all, I’ve been for a week asking to be lead to the best fields for myself. I take this as the real beggining and yesterday I started listening to “transform fat to stem cells” and I decided to talk to the M.F and it spoke back, very clearly. She was very feminine and told me she was the mother of all the morphic fields . That’s where it hit me.

In ancient hermetic/astrological cosmology (caduceus…) The mystic has to rise from the first sphere, that of the moon, through all the planetary spheres in order until breaking the one of saturn exiting through the gate of gods into the 8th & 9th heaven. When I first discovered dreamweaver it was after 3 months of doing a lunar planetary remedy that changed many things & brought amazing results. I realized this knowledge and skill of dream corresponds to the lunar sphere.

Also his name corresponds completely to the moon, Dreams are ruled by the moon in astrology & so is weaving. But what is the moon, and what is the lunar sphere? Well first of all many say the moon is a artifical satellite placed there and I for the most part agree. But in the matrix we live in it is essential and by that I mean it is an essential part of this time/ epoch/ age and world we see and live in. But it still is very illusory. Many are fooled by the moon’s silvery rays & shadowy dances.

In the Quaballah it is the first sephirah (sphere…) to be trascended for the mystic or mage. In toltec cosmology it covers us in a prison called “The Prison of the moon” where our individual and collective karma, perceptions & thoughts project a fake or limited reality. This is why the virgin of guadalupe is seen ascending or over the moon; the virgin is us, the moon also represents the body & the lower self while the higher self is the sun that shines its light upon us and by its virtue we live. There is a reason the night & dreams are assigned to her in ancient hermetic (atlantean) cosmology.

So dream’s tools allow us and help us transcend “The prison of the moon” & make us pure vessels (Virgin metaphor and Purest lunar archetype) . So this Mother of all the morphic fields spoke to me and she told me she is the beggining. I listened to her many times can’t remember how many and my head started hurting, it still does, my teeth & knee started healing like when I fast. This M.F purifies the body & regenerates the brain to a original state so we can be pure vessels for the other fields, practices or initiations.

She also told me the plasma field is yes negentropy but she doesn’t recommend it much. She says it harmonizes too slowly but she recommended it for upgrading fields. She told me if a field has found a barrier or you want to upgrade/ level up it’s potential, consciousness or effects you should play plasma before. She also recommended plasma + intention + Torsion in that order. She told me torsion can crystallize any intent being the yin energy of creation , plasma the yang.

One of the first things she told me was to apply oil to the parts you want healed and then play her. I thought instantly of coconut oil. It’s funny she is also lunar. Fat is ruled by the moon and many times is imprinted with emotional baggage, fat many times is an emotional shield, really fat people always have motherly issues. and stem cells (Mother cells in spanish" ) are lunar also. So I recommend you all to try first this M.F for many months before going on to the rest. Lest the vessel not be pure & found wanting!

Another small revelation I had was that the fields dream creates correspond to the elementals of the natural world in energy/consciousness. This fields are not simply audio impregnated with energy (like franz bardon instructions) or powerful servitors, they have a level of power / consciousness & function similar to the elementals. Elementals are very dense astral beings that can influence matter directly and very powerful hence their similarities.

So in conclusion, talk to the fields. If you are up for it we could do a series where many of us talk to the same field & share insights and exchanges questions from the other’s knowledge and re-ask the field. And last but not least, by this incredible help dream provides & also his team (Thank you so much!!!) we can initiate ourselves in the sphere of the moon & become pure vessels!

Also if Mr.Dream is reading this I want to suggest an idea of how to provide the reality programmer field/sigil & field creation tools a safety measure by which they won’t be misused.

Peace & blessings Y’all