Easter sale 22% off Sapienshop, Gumroad, Teespring

On gumroad yes, on TheSapienShop no.


Has the sale ended on both sites now?

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I never told you that I loved you,
well I tell you,
I had just made a list of some things I wanted


I’ll give you something
you need to change your email
in all countries, you can buy a card to pay, which you recharge
you buy it, you credit the money you need.

you put the vpn in the united states.

here in France we have the nickel card
I suppose each country has the equivalent

be careful it only works once
you have to buy everything on the first purchase

then the card is burned,
This will allow you not to pay tax, and to have the reduction

also change your email

I bought ego maleable this way
but on the 2nd purchase they saw that my card came from France

en plus t’es francais
achte une carte bleu nickel , au bureau de tabac
20 euros
tu met ton VPN aux etats unis
tu changes ton mail
tu recharges ta carte avec le bon montant
et tu payeras ni la taxe et t’auras la reduction

ca fonctionne que une fois, apres la carte est grillee
alors fait les bons choix ,
si t’as besoin de plus de renseignement
n’hesites pas

Merci pour les informations,
En faite ça a marcher avec ma carte bancaire sur plusieurs achats avec le VPN et une adresse alĂ©atoire des États-Unis qui correspond .


je vais essayer

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