Ego dissolution. What even is that?

Out of all the fields i wanted to try to help relax from my OCD, Ego dissolution was the one i wanted to try the most. But what’s stopping me is my apprehension of it. I mean, nothing about it makes sense. Temporarily reigning down the Ego? What even is that? I kept browsing through the forum trying to understand it but every answer not only fails to help my doubts clear up, it worsens it with more and more questions. It might confuse you as to why i feel lost when it comes to the concept of an “Ego” but, hear me out. I’m a muslim alright? In islam we believe every human was born with a “قرين”. A counterpart. A doppelgänger. Except he is a spirit and not human. He lives within us. He eats what we eat and is influenced by what’s around us. But that counterpart is inherently mischievous in nature. A demon basically. He constantly whispers to us doubts and lies. Only feeding us negativity. Only pushing us towards a negative life.

Sorcerers often use spirits they are contracted with to know information on a person in front of them by getting it from their “قرين”. It’s how astrologers and fortune tellers of old knew about a person’s arrival, problems or even the dreams they had. All before they arrive at their door’s footsteps. I know this may sound like a load of crap but there are many documented instances from kings to famous historical figures with stories confirming these things. Heck you can find former sorcerers who have quit the craft tell you all about them in the Arabic world.

Now i only said all this to point out that whenever i read about this “Ego” and why you need to have reign over it. All that comes to mind is “قرين”. Yet at the same time when i try and confirm this info al i get is extremly cryptic answers and complicated mumbo jumbo. Wish someone can explain it in the layman terms for once :sob:.

To whoever read this till the end, o patient soul. Please. Help a brother out :skull:.


I see, then within that thought frame consider this the stilling of that mischievous voice.

The ego is described as
the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.

Consciousness being the waking living interacting you
and unconscious being the unsaid perhaps.

The ego develops as part of your personality, consider it a self created translation software.

During moments of ego stilling, you can more easily see an expanded picture of things, without the self sustaining box around you.

It is the ‘I am… this’ voice.
This helps for the journey of discovering less

The ‘I am’

Purely something far more abstract that has no use for people on a purely mundane journey.


love that :sparkling_heart:


for me recently i discovered that there are many types of ego … mine is a very subtle righteous victim-heroic type that is sooo strong to suffocate any development, but really subtle and never shown to others…like it creates issues only to me personaly.

aand has a very biig hidden self esteem and doubt in the divine…very sad but true.

inherent from mommy and daddy who are the real heroic egoists…religious too

most of the hard ego in me was melted away when i first heard my guides in 2019.

example of the above without explicitly using the ego dissolution audio is:

my work with Thoth.

He is amazing. feeling him work how he accomplishes things and how he guides me… all super.
until i like an animalistic reflex start to battle and fear all achieved… start to worry of the results… start to focus on the failiure…aand he cannot help me anymore for the time being… then i begin my healing routine with your work dear Captain and then all is good…

other thing my ego makes gladly…acceptance of pain without healing it…giving up to it…sacrificing my own wellbeing to the pain for the sheer helplessness of it…

illusions and mysguided use of the audios when in pain… i am a good educated human doctor and alas… i couldnot see what i need and what is important…

until today… today i got the bull for the horns…

but it wa heavy duty work…

paid of… an all possible levels…

thank you for being here and helping lot like me!


PS I also think it has your music in the background lol @Captain_Nemo




Honestly that alone could’ve sufficed as a reply :flushed::heart:

So it acts as a sort of filter of your thoughts or perceptions of the world around you. That actually makes a lot of sense.

Is what you’re saying is the pride driven thoughts of “i am smarter than anyone!” or the self deprecating thoughts of “i am the worst” come from the ego? At least that’s what i got from it…Don’t get the “journey of discovering less” bit.


Spot on

this as well


adding to what Dream said

it’s pretty common for people to try to lower the grip of their ego on them, but purely inside the ego’s framework. This is more likely a shadow work of a sort. Usually the ego wanting to deal with challenging aspects a dimension of itself brings to the table.

The idea behind the Ego Dissolution field is to leave a bit of this framework the ego is working on, and make the above decisions from other perspectives

perspectives that usually has less need for control, and have multidimensional approaches. You can consider it as leaving the cage you’re in, just a bit, to see that you were indeed in a cage that you couldn’t see before

You see and consider more. Opinions and inferences you had as your personal truth tend to crumble as you pay attention and revise them. This slowly and permanently lowers the grip your ego has on you, and this effect snowballs as you see new perspectives and challenge your old models


The spirit you worked with called itself Thoth? Damn thats a cool name :joy:

Thank god i started to worry there for a second. Hope you achieve your goals brotha :heart:

Stories like yours always give me hope. Congrats brotha :grin::heart: I pray for you the best on your journey


Though I don’t understand the term shadow work i got the behind the rest. I can safely say now that my apprehensions on the field are completely gone :ok_hand:t5: Since your words confirmed what i understood from Captain and more.




It is less as we leave out the association “I am - something”
but in words only, as you always gain more in terms of insight and refinement of being.


Thanks for clearing this up Captain :heart::pray:t5:

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even the “I am oneness” or “I am everything” ?

if so, whats the matter I see with “spiritual ego” if it just ends up ‘translating’ our realizations?

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