Everytime I use this audio, I feel nothing. Is this normal? I have been using it for weeks now yet my ego is still intact and nothing has changed. Is this fine or is the audio not working?
Did you check your couch cushions? Make sure you didn’t leave you Ego in them…
You’re fine… keep listening.
You are too young to feel anything…
Well, you could try one day when you don’t listen to Ego dissolution… And see how you react to that…
Ego is usually very very very skillful
For example when it reform it can say that “nothing happened” while listening to the audio (another example can be deep sleep)
I’m out of likes but just to say that I agree with @anon17734191 and @akkar: the first time I listened to it, the dissolution aspect was almost… tangible? Just like precisely in the track’s description, actually.
Afterwards, I didn’t notice or feel it anymore per se, but if you carefully analyze some of your reactions (to whatever event or people etc.) at the end of the day, you’ll probably see the difference. Nothing spectacular but different.