Elder Futhark Rune Deck NFT

As I understand it, the standalone NFTs differ from the tarot deck, in that the tarot deck includes the energies and meanings of the reversed cards, whereas the standalone NFTs don’t. The standalone NFTs are supposed to be the clearest energies of the highest archetype of–say–The Magician. Reversed cards (as well as reversed runes) give us important information in readings, which is the most popular use of the full decks.

Hope that helps.


So the picture name is back print. I think It should be printed for the back of card.

What 's this picture mean? It 's called Elder Futhark Rune Deck.


the deck cover…
if you are printing a box


Will there be coming a physical deck as well? Similar to the corpus spiritus deck?

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
I thought there was a field in this image.

I bought a printer just for it.Very Beautiful. Thanks @Dreamweaver . Is it like tarot deck that the field is interspersed in every rune image?

What about misprinted cards? Cut it out and throw it away?


In the runic art, each runologist makes his personal deck himself. This is what the professionals insist on
He must carve each rune himself, and “connect” it to his energy
This is an interesting, but quite a long process, and it will be interesting to those who consider themselves meticulous, pedantic and fans of various rituals

The Captain has automated this process.

Basically, you can go to any esoteric store, buy a ready-made deck (on stones, or on planks of wood), and having a NFT token, you can “connect” each physical plank to the energy of the deck

This is just a thought for the future. I haven’t done that yet.


Now I feel like I want a wood printed deck


I saw very spectacular and beautiful on the stones
I went to an online store in my region
also very beautiful


Can bad things happen if someone make it wrong? I watch about it on a Russian psychic show.

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TV psychic show?
There are a lot of fakes, believe me.
But I advise you to do your own research on the subject.

What exactly?
Practitioners have had problems (I have seen such comments on other forums) because the Scandinavian gods do not give everyone access to the runes
in this case - everything is already automated and prepared, all opportunities are open

You can learn more about the runes and their use from the available literature


Russian pronunciation
“it ga la da sent ser”

He died after 2-3 weeks. He died by drowning, which fits the meaning of the rune he miscarved.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.
But yes, there are techniques, safety techniques and preparation for runology
I answered your question - in this case, everything is already prepared, and I think no one has any doubt that with the magic of the Captain everything is absolutely safe


:+1: :+1:


:beers: :partying_face:

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船长的魔法 ;)


What I’ve learned is that the magic uses the power of Solomon 72 demons, and Captain’s is unlikely to work with such energy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Cap’n has said, repeatedly, that he does not work with such energy.


Do you know how to use Rune?