Empty brain

My problem is that I’ve been feeling like my brain is empty for a long time, it’s hard to formulate my thoughts and speak them which is making my social life suffer and make me feel disconnected from people, I literally feel like i have no personality, and it’s hard for me to retain informations unless the topic really really interest me (which is rare). I feel like my IQ is quite low…

I do have complex ptsd and depression due to a bad childhood, which I believe didn’t help my brain development. I’m listening to trauma and depression fields, but, I don’t feel like they’re helping my brain.

Please it’d be a big help if anyone has any recommendations for this issue.


Ego Dissolution
Subconscious Limits Dissolver
Angelic Vibrations 2.0
Shamanic Medicine Blend
The Alchemical Revision Of Childhood
Become Whole
Unconditional You
The Internal Alchemical Crucible
Brain Regeneration
Attract Love
The Star (Arcana Archetypes)
The Star Being Experience
Charisma And Glamour
Auric And Energy Body Repair
Automated Grounding


  1. Confidence, Dominance And Authority
  2. Psychic Mental Shielding


  1. Michael
  2. Abundance

This new item its an alchemy which may help you , seems tailored for your needs .

I think this field alone will do wonders in short - medium term.

Here it is!



use nerve growth factor from youtube


Revision of Trauma
Revision of Childhood
Revision of Self Love (key to all)
Revision of Innocence (bring back delight & wonder instead of depression)

Dopamine Receptor Repair
Angelic Intercession (for some extra suppprt)


Maybe your heart is blocked?

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Thanks everyone!! I’ll listen to your suggestions, could the permanent brain enhancement help too?

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Hmm i’m not sure, how can i know?

It may help, yes.

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Try it. Maybe the Schumann resonance will be better in your case.

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I understand that you experienced a lot of mental and emotional pain? And as we all know, childhood is a sensitive time where we lay our foundation for life. But no worries, because we can heal as well as change :muscle:.
Simply put, your heart can store emotional pain, sadness, grief, fear, guilt and so on. But when it gets too much, your heart can create so-called energetic walls and barriers to protect you. But it can make it difficult to let love in. You may feel disconnected, lonely, empty, unloved, feel that others are against you, manifest very difficult and so on. You feel empty and useless. Logically, mental issues arise.