Hi everyone,
I’ve been reading Robert Bruce’s book that some of the posters on here has kindly shared. In it, he identifies 5 main energy circuits:
- Master Circuit – Kundalini Circuit.
- Storage Circuit – 3 Main Energy Storage Centres.
- Primary Circuit – Seven Primary Centres (major Chakras)
- Secondary Circuit – Supporting Secondary Centres (minor Chakras)
- Tertiary Circuit – Energy Exchange Ports
I am also familiar with the work of Donna Eden, someone who can actually see (not visualize) the energetic body. In her work, she has identified 9 Primary energy systems:
- Meridians
- Chakras
- Aura
- Basic Grid
- Celtic Weave
- Five Rhythms
- Triple Warmer
- Radiant Circuits
- The Electrics
More information here:
While there are some overlap between their work, there are also some differences. Based on my understanding, Donna doesnt talk about the storage circuits, while Robert doesnt talk about the Basic Grid, Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms, Radiant Circuits and Electrics. Anyone familiar with both systems and can explain how they all work together?
@El_Capitan_Nemo: Any chance we can get some audio fields related to the Basic Grid, Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms, Radiant Circuits and Electrics as seen in Donna’s work?