Energetic body in need of help?


Since I can remember, the right side of my body especially my face has felt “dull” compared to my left. Dull meaning that whenever I would touch my face, I could feel the left side a lot more than the right side.

I have astigmatism at the moment as well. Currently, my right is a lot worse than my left. Many muscle imbalances too. In fact, there’s like an extra layer of “fat pad” on my left cheek.

Also, my left side is tougher to stretch than my right side. So its easier to stretch the muscles on my right side. It’s weird because this is even apparent on my [insert eggplant emoji here].

A bit more context

Growing up, I would spend too much time swimming or playing soccer. Im pretty sure I wasn’t eating enough to sustain that level of physcial activity and was really skinny.

My emotions were kept locked up inside since I was practically alone all the time. I opened up to no one, especially since I was 4 years old — long story short: I was told to be quiet and keep still constantly because of a year long family situatiion. That year was long enough to completely change my personality according to my mother.

I tried to provide as much context as possible so sorry about the TMI.

Now, what can I do about it?

  • I’ve gotten my nutrition and water intake down
  • I’m going to a PRI specialist for body imbalances
  • These past two years, I’ve been slowly opening up to my parents and improved my relationships with others too. Its easier to make friends now. I used to close myself off.
  • Running subliminals
  • Doing a spiritual practice
  • I tried to do the energy awareness course but i think body primer may have caused me to get sick, specifically my throat. Might need to start again soon.
  • I bought vision of clarity last week. THIS is a game changer. I actually feel the right side of my face more. Also, the first few times I ran it, i felt the energy a lot more on my left side.
  • Planning on doing body symmetry audios but maybe I should give the energy awakeing course another go

So do you have any advice on how I should proceed with the energy fields? I’ve read many popular posts but I’m wondering if someone knowledgeable recommends anything specific.

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Interesting that I have similar issues, right side is weaker and recently even numb slightly, but I’m right-handed. Maybe it’s related to worse vision that leads inefficient body positioning unconsciously and then stiffness, weakness, osteochondrosis, tremor.


:thinking: How about the left being more sensitive?

What I know from Jin Shin Jyutsu (Japanese self help energetic holds), left side and right side are related to opposite brain hemisphere and past or present lifestyle…

You could look into specific JSJ-holds to promote energy flow there (plenty to be found online, all self help, just placing of hands or holding fingers!)

Left/right side of the body…
I also think: is there an obstruction in the air flow, opposite nostril usually. Or mouth breathing and or snoring (just night time affects a whole lot too!)

Let us know what you notice!

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im not sure exactly what u mean but i used these 2 energy fields which are now really helping my physical fields work now:

Aura and Energy Body Repair - Audios / Sapien Medicine - Sapien Medicine (enlightenedstates.com)

Soul/Core Energy Restoration - Audios / Sapien Medicine - Sapien Medicine (enlightenedstates.com)

they are not free but worth the buy


Im right handed as well, and left brain dominant but that’s slowly changing. Maybe there should be a balance between the two brain hemispheres.

But I think you have a point about the domino effect. We’ll see.

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That may be a possibility

I’ll look into Jin Shin Jyustsu. And Im currently left brain dominant.

These past few months, I started wearing tape on my mouth when I go to sleep. Game changer.

There might be. The left side of my nose is slightly longer than my right side so it looks a bit bent. Also, when I push against the sides of my nose, the right side gives in more. The left side is more sturdy.

I’m starting to think that I should only focus on bringing my physical and energetic body back into balance, and then start enhancement/booster fields.

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Thanks for the recc!

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