Energy and negative thought clearing

Hi guys, hope everyone is doing great. Any suggestions for clearing energy and negativity? I start with energy clearing,
then energy blockage removal,
emotional release,
ego dissolution
subconscious limits dissolver

Is there a better combo and is my sequence correct? Thank you!

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I don’t believe you left anything off of the list. The sequence looks good. After cleaning house that well I would do two things to make sure I stayed in control of what new energies entered in after that point. 1st I would wear the Lion and/or Thor dog tag or mandala. 2nd I would wear the shielding protection or APE tag. Or use the shielding card.

Up to you of course, but that’s how I roll. Cleaning house is great, keeping it clean afterward is even better. Put a strong man (or woman) in the house, that would be you. And keep unwanted types out.

You sound very serious about cleaning up. So, best wishes to you.


List looks good so far. I would play The Exorcism Rite 2.0 every day for a bit more than a week. From the enlightened state blog:

Exorcism from dreamseeds. The majority of us who are in negative mind states will attract negative entities that will take advantage of our situation and feed off of our negative energy.

And it might be a good idea, to clear negative energy in your home:

And at the end of your playlist you can charge yourself and your rooms with positive energy:


Both those audios would be great for playing in an apartment or home when your away at work. There’s an idea.


to destroy negative mental patterns, you can add:

Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (Gumroad & Patreon) and Etheric Cord Cutter

I used to add to the night playlist BAD SPIRIT Banishing Frequency (or The Exorcism Rite version 2.0)