Hello,anyone can sense energy from this? If so what kind of energy?
I didn’t feel anything, but when I tried to connect to it, what I heard was “I don’t like it, it feels yucky”.
It’s really hard to make quality Orgonite, just like it’s hard to make quality music.
I’m curious, why do you ask?
Might be cause I felt that about it.
Wanted to ask cause I felt something from inside which is not coming out of it and I don’t trust my energy sensitivity or how to differentiate the energy. So when I see something I try to see if it’s only my imagination or really something.
I asked on your behalf and was told that if you have the Environmental Energy Accumulator sigil, that’ll fix it. Also, any of Sapien’s servitors could fix it as well (light, dark, or dragon would have to study & learn how to first, ESS & Fae should know how). Beyond that, I’m being told there’s no other ways to unyuckify it.
Lol that’s a funny way to say it. Ok I will ask my fae to fix that if there is a problem.
Yeah, in a bit of a silly mood this morning, so I just went with it.
I mean, directly, or via magick, is pretty much a 100% guarantee…
Well, I was passing along what I heard from higher guidance, not necessarily what I thought. Do you have other ideas on how to clean poorly made orgonite?
Print the 1st Pentacle of the Sun.
Set the orgonite on the said Pentacle.
Read the incantation to command inanimate objects from the PGM.
Speak the latin around the Pentacle thrice.
Command aloud the orgonite to be cleansed.
Hold your right hand over it, command it to absorb and retain the construct you are inserting into it, and visualize a city of lights, tiny, all throughout your orgonite. The light structures are full of light beings who are full of joy, for they love to grab energy as it passes through, clean it, spin it, restore it, and put it right into the flow of constantly evolving sacred geometric patterns connected to a larger doughnut-shaped torus field around the object (its MerKaBa).
Give them aloud the freedom to evolve, and ask them to connect to the Metatron Neural Net, and share information related to orgonite transformers.
Push a ball of energy from each of your three energy centers into it with your hands. You are giving it some of your will to live, some of your love, and some of your knowledge.
Once this is done, the orgonite is programmed.
Damn, that’s awesome. Thanks for sharing, much respect.