Enough to shift vibration?

I’m planning to play Vibration of Transcendence 2x everyday. However, I’ve decided this will be the only Vibration file I play for a while now. I have all 3 Vibration audios and the Ascension tag, However, I need to take a break from them to catch up on school. Hence, why I’m only playing Transcendence. Will this be enough to put me at a high enough Vibration to recieve good grades or should I keep wearing Ascension despite the heavy energy drawback from using so many fields?


who gave you the impression that spiritual things, development etc gave you good school grades?


usually when I have a high vibration I get good grades and good luck in school but maybe because I’m more motivated to the work and happy


I meant that you’re more likely to get good grades or attract better things to happen to you when you are in a higher vibration compared to a lower vibration.
Being in a lower vibration will cause one to attract things to match their frequency, which are not as positive.
At least, that’s what people told me.


Studying and understanding what you study also works a lot better.


interesting perspective you have, but brain and energy related fields could help out with studying. i’m not sure what you mean by ‘high vibe’ but when i get ‘high vibes’ it actually means i’m more complacent and accept whatever grades i’ll get.


Just keep posting on brain related threads. :man_dancing:

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Lmao, Nah it’s a way for me to figure out your formula/stackfor IQ.

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Tap into Collective consciousness?

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Woah, okay!