Eternity redux and potential ear infection - I know everything it does for healing but I’m worried cause I just got it 2 minutes ago and that adjustment period could be damaging with an infection

Ooops, I should have clarified, I get them tomorrow. Delivery date shows tomorrow :D I have been listening to the audio for this field for a few weeks now and so far have not noticed anything good or bad from it …


Haha, I often find myself considering the same conundrum!

That’s great to hear! I’ve been increasing my energy practices before playing Advanced Healing as well! It seems to increase the healing effects considerably if I gather a lot of energy from that and the For the Skeptics audio.

I’ve been wondering whether it would combine well in a night time playlist with the Increase Qi Energy silent audio from Subtle Energy, from the other thread. :grinning:

Best of luck with that!

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I was in a hurry to ask :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::+1::pray:

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When you wear the eternity tag can you feel the areas that energy is being sent to? Whenever I have it on I feel strong sensations in all damaged areas :thinking:


Yes, in my experience they work together extremely powerfully as compared to using each separately. :smile:


Excellent idea! Also, I’ve been using more of Dream’s Jing Chi Shen sigils as well so I don’t need to keep listening to the audios!

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Yes, I can feel sensations, healing and regrowth in damaged areas.


Great to hear! How are you finding the sigils compare to the audios?

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I actually “feel” them way more than the audios!


Sorry, missed your question. I personally prefer to take them off the chain or put multiple tags onto a single chain. I find too many chains become tangled easily. You could put the tags back onto one chain before sleeping.

Me too! :grinning:

I experimented with activating the jing sigil a few times and the chi sigil many times in a row before playing Advanced Healing on loop recently and it worked very well.

I haven’t tried those sigils before a night time playlist yet, as I don’t often play the fields at night, but I slept very well after activating them before sleeping.


I put all my 5 dog tags (got the new ones today lol) on to the same chain and now, when I wear that and walk around, the rattling of tags follows me :ghost:

I think, when at work, I will just need to put them in the pocket to avoid attracting attention wherever i walk :rofl: When at home, probably I will wear them and walk around sounding festive! :christmas_tree: :santa:


Pro-tip!! Just tried that and totally helps!! Thank you :slight_smile:


Would you mind sharing the exact words he said. I always love hearing the way he says it lol

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I asked if eternity and fat to stem cells were similar:
“Eternity stimulates the production of stem cells while the other is a conversion of fat to stem cells… The field will stimulate more production of stem cells to continually regenerate the body’s cells.”


Wow , I cant believe he didn’t put that in one of the descriptions of eternity . That’s another benefit / reason to buy it .

Thanks for digging it back up !

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can we go to shower with the Tag ?
is it okay to get wet ?
I have it since last September and its with me all the time.

From what I understand, the field is held by the image on the tag. So, you want to keep the image as intact as possible. Although the fields are self-reoairong, when the image gets damaged, the field the image houses gets damaged, you see?

Showering with the tag might damage the image. So, for the sake of keeping your tag as long as possible, it would be a good idea to keep your tag (and its image) away from prolonged exposure to water, like in a shower.


of course all tags are waterproof


Are they? That’s good to know.

I had read comments about the laminating not being complete or coming off. So, I wanted to err on the side of caution with our friend so they can enjoy their tag for as long as possible.

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Wellbeing that is true,laminate came off on the edge,but i did not take shower with it, only when i wash my face , it gets wet.
Since last September 24/7 its with me on my neck but I have not notice any changes at all.