Etheric Cord Cutter

@Captain_Nemo Did you paint that picture on the YT video??

Does this also cut your connections with negative entities?

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IME yes, it does

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Used the audio again 2 nights ago. All of a sudden I remembered a fight I had with some kid back when I was 10 years old in elementary school.

Next morning out of the blue, someone who I just straight up stopped caring for years ago texts me to see if I remember him or not. Then asks me my last name. For what reason? To see if his friend was talking about me or not. No “how have you been?” Texting me just for that reason?

Looool this field truly does bring out the people of the past who really do not serve us in any way. Just glad that those cords are being cut from me.

None of this is a coincidence. Months ago I used this field, a narc friend I had texted me after a year or so to see if I got a job or not. Again…all for “status”, not for our well being. Pathetic that people do this.


Alright so here we go again. I used this audio 2x and on my third listen now. When I put a bit if attention to this audio, I was amazed with the amount of people that showed up in my mind. Especially those who I don’t know names of. Good example. A random customer, all of a sudden came into my mind after YEARS.

Not going to lie here. It’s scary how many negative cords we all may have. Cut them off from your etheric body my friends. If you have smart cord cutter use that instead. If not, use this. Again one of these days smart cord cutter is the audio I’ll get.

Please guys. Don’t underestimate the power of this audio. A lot of people have surfaced for me and they have been cut off from my etheric body. While I was getting results months ago from this audio, as I RAISED MY VIBRATION even a little bit, this audios power increased a lot more.


@Rogue i 100% agree my friend.
Today before listening to this audio my brain was clouded, I was feeling tired and very angry. :thinking::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I had not played this in a long time so I decided it was time to remove these lingering etheric chords that are stopping my ascension ! :up::fire:

I imagined all the habbits, people, places and energies that were not serving me and cut them all off :scissors:🪢

My body literally spasmed everywhere as if an excorsism of chords was taking place, and suddenly a huge rush of energy came back to me !

I said: “I’m free mofo ! My energy is back” :fire::zap::free:

Play this every week or every few days !
this not only helps with people but habbits and places, you don’t know which parasites can be leaving onto your energy.
Cut those pesky leeches out ! :scissors::chains:


I do wish to know another thing here. Do negative cords typically cause anger? For as long as I can remember I have always had an anger problem. Even to this day I do. What makes it worse is that in my family most of us have anger problems…

Anger is holding me back. I just need some insight here. Is it possible that I have tons of negative cords attached to me from past lives? Like literally. Ever since I was like 4, I can remember being angry so easily…

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I don’t have much understanding of ethereal cords but, they simply link you to places, events and people.

So if you create a bond with any of the above and it’s “negative” that cord would be “negative” thus creating undesirable feelings.

So they aren’t negative by default rather a linkage between you and another thing/person. It’s up to how you interact with such (place or person) that gives it (duality… For a lack of a better world)


Etheric cords connect you energetically to other people.

Questions to ask therefore:

“Am I connected to people or hang out with people who are angry? Who love to rant? Who are “negative dopamine” addicts?”

“Am I still watching news and YouTube ranting videos that make me angry and/or that display angry people?”

Watching this shit triggers anger by design and also connects you with people who are anger junkies themselves.

Your whole family needs probably to do deep trauma and other healing to no longer be in an angry state (a.k.a. self-sabotating themselves or numbing themselves by being addicted to “negative dopamine”).

Unless the whole family or the people you usually hang out with can heal their own anger, you will etherically still connect with them again and again and would need to listen to the cord cutter fields all the time. Or you avoid them as much as possible…

So 3 potential solutions that I see here:

  • Heal the anger in everyone close to you
  • Cut cords on a daily basis
  • Try to avoid these people as much as possible

With all 3 options you should stay away from news and anything that involves ranting (aka “anger porn”).


It’s actually funny you say this because out of nowhere I woke at up like 6:40 with a serious urge to pee. What do I hear coming from downstairs even with my door closed? The stupid news. Dad will never stop watching the news.

He claims he is not of this world and yet he watches news. So contradicting. Years ago I was OK with news but now it’s like poison for me. I despise the news.

Far as youtube goes, I unsubbed from some of them a long ago. They just rant all the time it was annoying me.

I’ve been searching for answers as to why I feel constant anger these days but after suddenly waking up at that time…I got my answer. I wish there was a field that we can play where it wipes out the news and just shows the weather. That’s it…


The cords can come back, when you re-establish the cords.

ETA: There are 2 ends to every cord.


I have the
Smart Cord Cutter.
But before I had that, I used the Etheric one when I felt I needed it and then once a week on my maintenance day.
BTW now I use the Smart one, once a week


That’s not what I said at all.

I understand that’s what you said. I don’t understand why you said it, but I understand that’s what you said. I also don’t understand how what you said has to do with my reply. :man_shrugging:

Let’s try this a different way: what do you know about cords and how they are created?

I’m asking so I can help you out, because you didn’t understand my original reply to you.

I agree with you that they are made through interaction of any kind, including you thinking about that person. That’s why I replied to you in the way that I did. YOU create cords just as much as “they” do.

If you had an unpleasant encounter with someone, a cord is created. (At this stage of the example, it doesn’t matter if they created the cord with you or you created the cord with them.) Fair enough. We create thousands of cords each day in the course of our everyday living. That’s just natural. So, you use this (or the Smart) field to clean that up. Good for you!

Now, whether you “see” that person ever again, if you think about them or your encounter with them in the same way as you originally did, you have just re-created your cord with them.

Cutting cords is a first step and it’s a great first step. After you take that first step, you’ll want to adjust your understanding of that encounter (sometimes, we call that “healing” but I think it’s too strong of a word here), so that when you do think about that encounter, the cord that you re-create won’t be a negative cord for you.

When you do this, then it will be “pernanent,” in the way that you’re asking.


That’s why I was asking you my question. :wink:


And thanks for your concern but no grind here. I’m good. :slightly_smiling_face:

Eventually we won’t need to do Etheric Cord Cutter. A shoutout and nudge since it’s related


Does this only cut negative cords? I would like to keep my positive ones and I’m anxious that all of them will be cut by using this audio.

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As stated above (use search box)