Experience working with angels?

These are a class of beings who, have decided to evolve with humans by trying to help, A lot of what I placed, helps to decipher what you want or ask, to them properly, You see, they aren’t human, so they do not think in the same patterns a human mind would. So to apply human rationale to them would be incorrect, what the magicians call and bind are more like egregores, that mimics some the energy patterns of these beings, which adds to the egregore’s power. But truly, no real being who has a conscious choice in things will allow itself to be binded. But more so, something created by a specific sequence of rules will follow rules.
Also, a lot beings are created over time, by faith. A mother praying to ‘Michael’ to protect her child, everyday, creates a thoughtform that will protect her child, that is based on the archetype of what her understanding of Michael is, now imagine that all those thousands of faithful mothers who do this and have created their own protective guardian, based on Michael. Imagine all of those have the underlying connection to Michael, this forms a larger being with a multitude as aspects to it, which continues to grow as it is being done.
Does it lack life? or is it a different kind of life evolving in a different way?
It is conscious at this point.
But I have digressed here, there are celestial beings that vibrate at that level and are considered angels. But they aren’t the typical magical understanding of it. These are the ones that are asked to intercede.


I can of course only speak from my experience but angels are very nice and lovely beings that helped me many times. Mainly with giudance and angel numbers etc. They encourage me when I’m a bit down and help me to keep pushing or show me things I have to keep working on. That helps tremendously and I’m realy thankfull for that. Just because these beings are not human doesn’t mean that they are something to be wary of.


Dream does the same apply to goetic demons then? In your energetic attendum you say that the dark servitor can summon and control goetic demons, do you mean the egregore version of goetic demons or the actual demons are so weak that a servitor can control them?


Then, why do you think the servitor is weak firstly.


No doubt the servitor is powerful, it even scared me a little lol. But you stated above tho that no conscious being will allow itself to be binded? So are the goetic ones not conscious or is the servitor so powerful that it full on dominates their free will?

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They aren’t binded, they re ‘contracted’ its a set of rules they follow, but yes they aren’t really, ‘conscious’ but act within a set pattern.
They aren’t the real being, but rather a created one that serves a purpose.
Imagine that 2 people or 10 people summon the same being at the same time, which probably happens quite often, The being summoned doesn’t sit and decided which one to go to.
Its created when summoned by the interaction of both parties.
Also, the amount of energy used affects the level of beings called.
the more you use, the stronger it is.


Thank you for enlightening us :)

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Dreamweaver what will the outcome of the angelic vibrations feild have on a Individual when it comes to evolution when one dies.

Will the individual end up going to the angel realms when they die etc.

And will the individual still be able to evolve as a human etc or will they end up becoming angels?

The reason I ask is that I read frank Bardon book I think that’s his name any way and loosing ones own natural human equalibrium has a greater impact on ones evolution I think but I could be wrong!

Also how long will it take for the angelic vibration audio take to become permanent when it comes to daily listening?

And if we don’t want it to be permanent how much breaks should be have in between?


Bardon’s warnings were mostly about IMBALANCED elementals. Angels are balanced. And you have to read that section VERY carefully to understand what he’s saying. Also read the chapter in Frabato where an “Imbalanced Elemental” is summoned and he very carefully omits to tell the method by which it materializes.

As for all the “afterlife” talk–He’s riffing on ideas in Eastern mythology. Think of it this way: every day our “consciousness” dies and is reborn with the sun. So the “afterlife” is another way of saying “tomorrow.” A lot of people don’t pick up on this part of Hindu and Buddhist storytelling. The “afterlife” you “reincarnate” to is the future. This moment dies to make the next. The actions you take now determine where you go “in the next life.” If you worship Lakshmi “in this life,” in the “afterlife” you will go into her service and enjoy a paradise of comfort and luxury while enriching others “in her service.” God blesses us that we might be conduits of blessing. If you live like an animal, you’ll become an animal in the “next life.”

Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist esoteric literature all teach that there are multiple “Earth-Worlds” in which people of different natures live on separate but parallel timelines. THINK what it really means to “die to this world” and be reborn “in the next.”

Re-read the teachings of Christ with these ideas in mind - he makes the same statements. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Don’t bury your talents, invest them. The wise man builds his house on rock. Today is a foundation for tomorrow.


Thank very much for explaining this to me. I know now it’s safe to use even if it becomes permanent. I just didn’t want to be a angel when I die I want to be so much more!

I think he was saying we could lose our 4 pointed star or something. Can’t remember exact words! Probably got it wrong!

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Very profound and thought-provoking! Thank you for your post. :pray:

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Very interesting topic. What I want to add to the discussion is this:
I see other planes and beings just like walking down the street. The people I meet there are friendly, neutral or hostile. Same applies to other beings. Not all of them are friendly and not all of them are hostile. This may seem obvious but for me this was a strange realisation, because for the most part I always thought it is just us humans here who are hostile and every other being in existence is nice.
Not true.


May I know that how you can see beings from other planes? Also share with us your experience with them how they look, react, express and communicate with you. Thanks.


Me? I don’t see or interact with any beings at all.
I just did some research and came to my conclusions based on what I figured out about spiritual laws.
Anybody here heard of Machine Elves? Those are the lads I refer to and that lead me to this.

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Since Dream said that these celestials don’t think like humans, and the Angelic vibration changes your base energy to that of one of these celestial beings, it would be really interesting to see how angelic vibrations could potentially change your thinking pattern from human to celestial. If anyone here uses the angelic vibration on a daily basis please share your experience regarding your outlook on the world and humans, this is fascinating.


I listened to the angelic vibration for about two weeks, and I did not find anything (neither on the physical, nor on the spiritual, nor on the mental level to speak about the thoughts), it is perhaps me who is not sensitive enough to energy and its effects.

ps: it was 8 months ago


I have read that angels are archons disguised as being of light, because we are in the matrix and the whole matrix is ​​governed by the archons. And so so that we cannot try to escape from the womb, the archons create false saviors (false gods, false beings of light, false ascended beings, and assume the appearance of angels). Notice the resemblance in the words, “archon and archangel” (archangel michael). It can also echo those that @Captain_Nemo says when he explains that it is our beliefs that create and give powers to angels who do not exist (Although there are cosmic beings evolved at angel level and much more , without being sent by God).
The demons and the angels are in the same camp / group and serve the same project / goal, it’s like a film or video game director team, you need villains and heroes, but all the characters are programmed by the same developer.
The light at the end of the tunnel after death is a decoy (like a mirage in the desert) to deceive us (attract) in order to better hold us captive in this prison that is the matrix.

the world / the planet is in quarantine, that means that nobody can enter or leave. cosmic beings from elsewhere (other galaxies or universes) cannot intervene directly in the matrix. Example: as with a virus, after several tests, you must be declared to be in good health (assume your free will and say no) and safe for others (to say no, you must be able to develop a fairly high consciousness / vibration ). and only when you are approved by everyone, then you can be free, but as we believe that the angels fight for us, they are sure to keep us prisoner.


Angels can be annoying as fk, but they are not evil. Demons aren’t evil either.

The only evil in this world is human ignorance.
In every corner of the world, there is some form of spirituality. Are the “archons” to blame for humans choosing the ego over spirituality ?

Especially in this day and age, where the internet is a web of knowledge, people use it for stupid shit, instead of learning.

Do the archons force you to watch porn instead of a documentary ?
Do the archons force you to watch funny cat videos instead of reading a book ?

There are of course magicians who take advantage of mankind’s ignorance, the zionist scum, but don’t worry, each and every one of them will be slaughtered very soon.

If you are worried about the afterlife then I urge you to meditate on the higher self audio on dream seeds.


Yeah those weasels are done, you are your biggest enemy in 2020.


Yes, I read about them from an article in the Matrixblogger. From what I read, they live far outside this matrix and are traders with incredible abilities who are happy to have an energetic trade, especially with human beings who they find highly desirable.

The author, Jonathan Dilas who’s an astral traveller, has, according to him, a very powerful technique, Dissociation, which I’m closely following just recently in his YouTube videos which are in German, but recently, they now have an English translation of 3 videos which I find interesting.

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