Experience working with angels?

Yeah it was quite confusing to me to read through this and especially the alien intercession thread because also his point of view / opinion changes a lot in time. I kept on going back to see who said what before because something wasn’t adding upm it’s not so easy to make sense of it when you first start and aren’t familiar with the people, concepts, etc.
Though I also wrote a few days ago that I was planning to online less and yet here I am :D although I also wrote my pov/feeling also changes all the time so in a way I’m still consistent 🤷

@anon44487865 welcome and wish you a fun journey :slight_smile: I’m not like… Very old, but I certainly wish I had access to something like this 10-12 years ago when I was your age!


Blessed maybe I was brought into this for a reason


We just have to be a good person, so if we die, we carry high vibration and we are not reincarnated again.

Probably, I mean It’s all about giving back. That Millionare empire mindset will also have me giving alot of funds to the poor. Some of my friends gave me food,water, and even materials when I was broke, I asked one of them that I will pay them back. They said “no need, Just do the same for the other person who needs the help”, Changed my whole persona since. It’s all about helping the people really.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ah good ol’ Samurai. I miss the guy.


miss him too, I wonder how that guy is doing a lot since the days before yesterday.


I knew it was you all along

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Come on, delete this, play along :D

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He is not Samurai.


Says youuuu


haha wdym man, tho I know he isnt for 100%


We know it and that’s what matters


So basically it’s the collective creating Morphic fields through placing attention and faith into a concept? Ultimately we all come from and have within us the source consciousness which creates all things, so we basically are all part of creation of all existing things collectively.


I am not Samurai LOL


I know this is old post but. Whenever I get panic attack. I always call upon my angel. I have very strong connection with my angel. Whenever I call upon my angel. I always see blink of light that just randomly pops up. Then suddenly I feel very calm. Especially when I can’t sleep at night. I usually ask my angel help to make me sleep faster. And minute of doing that. A rush feeling of relaxation just pouring it to me. Now that I got servitors. I Just talk more with my friends xD. But I know my angel is there too. Probably watching my little servitors like " Come help her little buddies " XD


Hope it’s not too late to ask this. How does one evoke Yeshua?

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prayer mostly. No madras for Yeshua or any rituals from my knowledge.

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Wondering if these guys did it another way. Samurai definitely didn’t seem like the prayer type and he evoked Yeshua.

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He did meditated if I remember correctly and invoked archangel michael which he was there with Yeshua.Samurai might exaggarated things as OM said in a post.


are your words really facts?
ego = lower self
higher self = higher self
then what am I? Am I real? will I still exist after my physical body is gone(dead)?

i’m so confused and panic right now
hope someone will give me a 100% correct true answer