Eye regeneration V.2

Day 5 update:

My eyes feel much lighter. I can open my eyes all the way easily (before it felt heavy as if there was an invisible force trying to keep me from doing so lol I know, terrible explanation)

My scelera is nice and white! Previously it was a dull white almost greyish

Colours seem more brighter and pop. I can see people’s faces so much clearer!!!

Reading from a distance is only slightly better though. I have an eye test on Monday which is what motivated me to start doing this audio. Every time I go, my doctor keeps saying I need to use glasses (I’ve been strictly against doing so for at least 15 years lol)

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I’ve also been doing the neck exercises twice a day that @Septimus posted above. This may be helping with my eyes improvement as well


You inspired me now!! I gotta start this audio today, given my nearsightedness!

My nightly loop lately is Fat to Stem Cells, perhaps I can run both of them!


I had my eye test today. Doctor said my eyes are very close to exactly the same numbers as 2.5 years ago (-2.50 and -3.00).

I don’t know how much this audio helped since its only been 8 nights of using it consistently. But now I have 2 years until my next test so I’ll be continuing to use this audio (not all night just a few times a day) until I am happy with my vision.