Eyes staring at me

Hello all you lovely beeings.

I have a question that I think some of you guys probably have an answer for.

When I close my eyes in dark places, I keep seeing eyes staring back at me, not human eyes more like reptile and animal like. Its not really scary or anything just abit weird/unusual for me.

Could it be my dragon golem or something els?

I appricate all info on the topic. Much love!


Lol :flushed::flushed::flushed:

Idk much about that but sometimes before I go to bed I’ll start seeing eyes when I close my eyes. Usually it will feel like all the chakras connect, then flashes of random eyes, then what I’m assuming is the third eye opens, or it could be astral eyes idk man, something opens cuz I start seeing shit when I open my physical eyes but it closes again before I wake up in the morning.

Also when I play the dragon intercession audio I see dragon eyes, which I’m assuming are my servitor eyes. Haven’t tested the other intercession audios yet.


I’m pretty sure there has been a similar topic but I can’t find it.
Someone wrote the eye was watching them in their dreams and wrote about the colours too…
OM pasted a freaky eyes gif and said it was not a bad thing :)


Thanks for the answers.

@yuihwa Its probably like you said, I think im opening up my 3rd eye chakra again after the bad life style I’ve had last year. About dragon golem, I remember seeing a dragon kinda stare down on me even before creating a dragon golem. But at the time I was focusing on other stuff in life.

@MonkeyOwl Alright thanks for the info I will try to search harder for posts similair to this one.

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