Face Results from a friend after 1-2 years using Facial fields

Puuh2308- I’m using “Nose Straightener” to correct my deviated septum. DW replied that it would do this also. Why don’t u try using this.


That would be awesome! Thank you very much for the recommendation. I thought it would only correct things in the nose…
Much love to you ZuZu!!


However, your flat bones (mainly in your skull) don’t have the caps that seal off growth, so if growth hormone or testosterone is applied to them, then they can continue to grow giving the characteristic “more masculine” appearance you described.

Don’t be discouraged ! :smiley:



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I thought HGH only effects height?

is it okay to use facial symmatery with QI golden ratio?

TFW you really want a more masculine face/improved masculinity in general but can’t use any hormone fields because you don’t want to risk losing a really good NoFap streak.

how about bone streangher to widen cheekbones?

I can’t find the picture

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Its deleted now

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For what purpose? What’s about DHT and Testosterone that teenagers need?

You do the Math…

Haha sorry i couldnt help it with your name :laughing:

:speaking_head::mega: I see myself out


Aye, good one.

I’ve noticed you have a lot of experience with the skin fields? I want to get angelic skin, a glowing, healthy skin that looks fabulous in every way.

Skin Regeneration, Collage Booster v2, what else? Meanwhile I’ll add Scar Tissue Repair to heal the facial wounds from my accident. I always wanted healthier skin so this comes as a blessing in disguise.

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The amniotic as u asked the other day gets you back the baby skin we used to have, soft and plumpy

The skin regeneration is dopeee

Vitamin C a few times a week

Lots of water

Platelet rich

And then

Plasma Glass. For that korean skin final goal

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Honestly, I wrote that a long time ago, before I understood the damages of toxic masculinity.

Ignore what I said, it’s the old me


You joined 4 days ago, so maybe your question is serious.

DHT and testosterone are the primary male hormones that turns your body from an undefined hermaphrodite-like being to a man. It basically kickstarts puberty in males

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Hi @anon46520955,

I have a hard time understanding the Amniotic Membrane Healing Pod, the description is cryptic to me, lol.

How does it compare or differentiate from Collagen Booster V2?

Water and Vitamin C are of no concern I’m taking those in large quantities already. I also do not understand the purpose of Platelet Rich…Plasma Glass is out of the question lol, it’s too expensive, I might consider it in the future though.

How come you forgot mentioning Collagen Booster v2, I’m curious?

And how about Glutathione, the super antioxidant?

Have you used all of these fields yourself and seen results?

Yes, I’m familiar with Testosterone, not so much with DHT but could have looked that up if I wanted. I did not see the implications, however, teenagers are still growing, and maturing these hormonal audios might cause side effects.

It got me curious, so I asked.

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Yeah, it can make you stronger, bigger, leaner, deeper voice, more facial hair, improve your brain and change your personality for the better :+1:


You gotta read through the comments in the post

Bro too much questions that are all answered within each post

Dont be lazy lol

Who says I didn’t?