Fame Sigil (Patreon)



Can I ask one question? Which is more effective, a fame sigil or a fame mandala? Thanks🙏🏽

Hi, I come across this sigil/mandala and I don’t know exactly for what purpose it was made of. I cutted it in half because I don’t know if DreamWeaver would like it to be shared here, so I cutted it in half just in case.

If you know what it does, how it works, how to use, etc, please let me know in as much details as you can.

I read 2 differente things about this one, one said it creates any field you like to create, and the other source said it creates fame… So I’m confused.

If @Dreamweaver or @SammyG can answer about this, it would be great too! Thank you!

P.S. If I posted it in the wrong place or if I shouldn’t post about this sigil/mandala, I apologize, I didn’t know and I’ll delete this post immediately!

Those of us who are subscribed to PATREON to support the work of DREANWEAVER know what it works for.

Did you get it in a LEGAL or ILLEGAL way ?. Thank you


This the Fame Sigil from patreon. With it you can create an item that functions similar to the Draw Fame mandala from Sapien’s instagram.

How to create the item is described in the patreon post.


Well, to be honest, I’m not subscribed on Patreon yet, but I didn’t get this illegaly… I guess. I didn’t asked for this, a person just sended it to me via Facebook with good intention to help, the person said it was on DreamWeaver Instagram, so it was free, but I wanted to know… So it’s not supposed to be free, I see… I’ll delete it immediately from my computer!

Thanks for your help!

I hope I didn’t offended anyone with this post, I really didn’t know it was on Patreon and not on his instagram for free.


Thank you! As long I’m not subscribed to his Patreon, I’ll delete it from my PC right now, thanks for letting me know!


Perhaps it was a simple misunderstanding. :slightly_smiling_face: The sigil is meant to create an item similar to the Draw Fame mandala, but the sigil itself is not available on Instagram.

From the Patreon description:

So this one is created so you can make your own personal item that works just like the one on the Instagram account.

Description from the mandala on Instagram.

Energetic Mandala Series
This one draws fame, well rather it draws attention to you and whatever you do, art/music/business etc.
People will tend to notice you more, and wonder where they know you from, you seem so familiar.
Definitely a great thing to have to get into that flow along the path becoming a known figure.


Good. If you are still interested in the Draw Fame effect. You can use the free mandala from instagram.



Yes, I’ll use this one instead, thank you very much!


Do you know how to use the mandalas?

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Just put it on my Smartphone or PC wallpaper… Isn’t it?

P.S. I already deleted the mandala from my PC, DreamWeaver is a really nice guy, I don’t want to pirate anything from him.


Yes you get the mandalas energy every time you look at it on the screen.

It works, but a printed mandala will be way more effective. The printed image than becomes like a tag from Sapien’s teespring shop. The physical mandala will give you the Draw Fame energy, as long as it is within 2 feet of you.

The physical mandala will grow stronger over time. Even if you print it and put it in a drawer, it’s power will grow. It will grow faster, when you keep it with you.

You can laminate it or glue it to cardboard for better stability.


Wow, it’s really nice! Thank you, I’ll print it as soon as I can! For now, I’ll put it like my wallpaper. Thanks again!


My story is even funnier… It turns out that I do have it because I subscribed to patreon in skipped months to download certain audios and that particular sigil… and now I don’t remember how to activate it so I have to re-subscribe… which I really wanted to do anyway, but I’m too reluctant to the whole saving payment methods and all that.

“Revive this topic?
The last reply to this topic was over 2 years ago. Your reply will bump the topic to the top of its list and notify anyone previously involved in the conversation.
Are you sure you want to continue this old conversation?”
Totally wanted to revive it :dragon_face:
Seems pretty screwed for Sapien’s business if people go around giving away sigils that aren’t free. Maybe he should put up some kind of protective barrier for this kind of things.

I’m sure you can find instructions somewhere on this forum. Of course, there are instructions also on Patreon. It’s just that you mentioned that you’re too reluctant to re-subscribe.

Isn’t that sigil free, and freely available, both on Sapien’s Instagram channel and in that thread?

Quite a number of fields have various forms of protection. As a recent troll-ish member of this forum pointed out to us, even with protection, that’s (sadly) no deterrent to people inappropriately sharing Sapien Med’s hard work.

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Nah, I subscribed again. It’s not the suscription but the platform saving the payment method automatically. I’m too cautious about it, I guess.

I haven’t seen it for free on the forum or instagram. I’ve seen the mandala, but not the sigil… and the sigil is way prettier… so I had to have it :sunglasses:

I’ll find them and drop them an Ezekiel 25:17 like in Pulp Fiction.

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