Faster heartbeat from too many audios: is it normal?

Hi guys (and @SammyG and @El_Capitan_Nemo)

I recommended Sapien Medicine’s audios to my dad, and so far he’s been seeing positive results from them. That’s amazing!

One thing though: he said that if he listens to too many audios on any given day, he starts feeling some kind of vibration that affects an area spanning the crotch all the way to the chest. If he keeps going even further, he’ll then start feeling tension in his body, faster heartbeat, and lightheadedness on his head and some mild headache.

(However, the last time the above symptoms occurred, he measured his blood pressure, and his pulse was 62 per minute, which is completely fine.)

  1. Are the above symptoms normal?

  2. Do you guys experience those things too if you listen to too many audios on the same day?

  3. Are those symptoms serious? Could they cause serious side effects if prolonged?

  4. What are the best practices in terms of how often we should listen to these audios?

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Yup :+1: probably sensitive to energy and its building up and being blocked.


Thanks @MUSICMUSICMUSIC and @anon48416969

So does it mean that if “Energy Blockage Remover and Growth” and “Chakra Cultivation” are used as supplements, then it’s okay to listen to many audios on the same day?

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Try it. Is the feeling overwhelming? Lots of heat in the body? Like a flushing feeling?


He said that it’s an overwhelming feeling, yes. But no heat.

Is the Chakra Cultivation removed? I don’t find anything related to Chakra on both Dream Seeds and SMed