Can you share ONE audio that Is your favorite and why you chose It :)
That’s impossible.
Everyone should have a special audio that made him continue listening to sapien’s amazing work
Well that depends how one started I guess.
For me it was a combination of several audios that worked together. Just to pick one of them hadn’t given such results that just one would’ve been enough.
And audios which were favorites six months ago, have fixed the problems and new favorites appear, as one evolves and new audios are released.
One can have favorites for physical, mental and spiritual purposes .
I have to agree with you… I have one coming to my mind immediately but right after, I say to myself:
A life without SLR? No way…
A Sunday afternoon without my weekly dose of Induced Sestrin Proteins and its cutest music? Bah!
What would I do if Quasi Crystal gets deactivated? Arrgghh…
etc. etc.
Natural male enchancment.
Erectile dysfunction
lol here’s my top 3
- Testosterone booster 2.5
- Gregorian chants
- Vibration of Creation
My favorite field of all time is glory though
No, I can’t resist the temptation anymore… Whenever you were mentioning Gloria, I always wanted to dedicate this song to you, but then didn’t… I do it now Sorry, I’m in a full absurdity mode these days:
Can you waddle?
Haha I love it! My new theme song for putting on my glory tag every morning!
Keep them coming!! Haha after I get off work tonight I’m going to listen to some of the orchestras you and @O.O recommended me last month now that I finally have VoC! I’ll let you guys know what I think!
One of my many favorites is super human mutant… Feel like I’m on one running that
there are soooo many exquisite ones yes exquisite is the right word. But i guess SLR is the King.
However all the other goodies like mandalas, tags, servitors, dragons, THE COURSE OMG… each have a special colour to help as a team painting your life beautifully
This is like asking a car mechanic what is his favorite tool in his shop. If you did, he’d probably give you a funny look.
I like all my tools, that’s why I have them. Depending on what needs fixing, that’s what tool I’m using at the moment, and I have LOTS of tools from multiple vendors. Every time I come across a new problem, I search for a new tool to fix it, and sometimes it’s fun to just see what new tools are available.
My favorite at the moment is Hakuin’s Healing Egg.
Actually, I felt such a clear guidance when I was led to Sapien that even if the initial audios hadn’t worked, I would still be exploring the other ones.
Could feel it in my body and soul that this is revolutionary work before I even tried it.
I didn’t need a specific audio to continue.
I started off my morning with 3 loops of auric cleanse… Then my other audios. Now i feel ripped!
Higher Self Connection FTW!
It would be if I didn’t Have to cycle off of it! Haha that ones more powerful for sure though
Cardarine makes you a complete animal man!
You should give me your list so I can try it for a month to build muscles:)
Unfortunately Nah man, i looked online cycles run any where from 4-12 weeks with cardarine