Feeling down

My family member keeps pulling their toxic shit

I think the problem lies in me because if there was no me
There would be nothing

But again, when they don’t do it they are a nice person
Also wise and smart

I can’t imagine myself leaving them
Letting them go
It would break their heart

But I can’t fucking stay anymore
Psychic mental shielding is not enough

Send me some love guys
Thank you

I understood
It’s all about self forgiveness
I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I were to leave
Going to loop forgiveness and release
We’ll see

Listening to it makes me feel cold towards them.
I don’t understand why

Playing the guided path
My face is burning

My body is hurting (I think it’s stress related not from the field)


These type of decisions can only come after you really thought about it, after you meditated on the issue, after you analyzed how you would feel leaving a certain someone…
I don’t know how we can help, except showing our support.

I left a person that was dear to me, in a rush, and it was one of the greatest mistakes that I did…


It is all I need. Thank you George.

I wish you heal.


But how can I leave without hurting them
To cause pain is the last thing I want to do

They don’t have anyone but me

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I don’t know…
Is it absolutely necessary for you to leave that person?
I’m not the expert in any situation and truth being told you might regret either way…
Try new perspective(s) field, guided path, these might help you.

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I feel it’s either leaving or changing them (doubt that) or swallowing my pain
Which I’ve been doing

Yes. This is why I am afraid to do anything at all

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I think it’s because I quit drugs
When I was using I was almost sleepwalking
Constantly intoxicated
But since I’ve stopped
I see the world clearly
My eyes opened to the truth
And I’m like
Really? Is this the kind of person you are?
Is this the kind of person I was?


I wish there is a field that will automate the process
So I won’t have to leave and hurt them
So that everything happens by itself, naturally, agreeingly

If I were to try and initiate it
That we can’t be in contact anymore
I would get the
‘how DARE you after everything I’ve done for you’
If this is what YOU want’
Just thinking about it makes me feel ill

Going to loop the devil reversed

Hell yeah baby


Sounds tricky.
But you can always visit if you leave.
Shielding 3.0 sounds good too.
Idk if the problem lies in you, but people can be just be evil.


Thank you.

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I am so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds like you are trauma bonded.
I can understand how difficult this is and I will be following this thread for solutions.

Please take care and know the value of your true self worth. You aren’t anyone’s puppet to play around with, you’re a human being with feelings and a soul. A precious soul.
Such abuse can make people a shell of their former self.
The person causing you this problem must have an underlying issue that hasn’t been resolved, but it’s up to them to sort this as no one else can, unfortunately.

If you can, best would be to keep your distance as much as possible from the individual and always remember that their behaviour is a result of an unresolved issue that they may be in denial about.
Karma will bring them lessons (and I don’t mean something awful, just circumstances to show them the way they’re treating others, it should open their eyes.)


Aww thank you so much @allymisfit
It is so sweet of you
Your words are very soothing
I am very grateful for your and other users’ support


When I try to speak with them about this
They are like
Go into the protective mode I guess
'I am great, nothing wrong with me, everyone else is just an asshole ’

I think we were bonded by the hatred for the world, for the people
Which was surely the result of some trauma as well
But I was able to overcome this mindset thanks to Sapien
I was hoping they would too so I played fields around them
They even said they feel it’s working
But … Alas

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Awwh :) anytime. That’s really sweet :blush:

Replying to your other message:

Ah dear, that sounds like quite narcissistic behaviour :( (traits as it’s hard to say if they have NPD)
Narcissistic behaviours are very toxic and often lead to trauma bonds. There’s a lot of fantastic information online for those who have gone through this which can offer support and advice.
People who have gone through this are called victims of narcissistic abuse.

Sometimes the person causing the abuse is in denial that there’s anything wrong…in fact, in their mind, everyone is wrong except for them.
They put others down constantly and have a grandiose sense of their being.
Unfortunately I have met people like this and it makes you feel very uncomfortable, but there’s a part of you that wants to stay for some reason.
I’ve often thought of it like being under a spell as such. Part of you can see the logic to leave the situation, but another part feels empathy for that person and wants to help somehow. Or feels a close connection that you find hard to break from.

It’s so wonderful to hear that Dream’s work has helped you so much :pray:

That’s a shame :( the thing with those who have narcissistic traits is like that of a rubber band.
They can work on changes (the band stretching) but ultimately, the band will ping back again.
But if they’re willing to make changes and put in the work, hope is not lost…even if it takes a long time to find that peace within themselves.
(There is no cure for NPD, it just needs to be managed through counselling, but narcissistic traits can be helped over time.) Which is quite a shame really… I often think, what made a person this way?
Usually it stems from childhood and lack of or too much parental love (too much as in being told they’re the best at everything and they can do no wrong.)

I wonder if the field Childhood Revision would be helpful to play around them, and some self love fields? Usually narcissistic people are very insecure.

I wish you the best as I completely understand how difficult these situations are :(
You’ll definitely come out of the other end of this, with a feeling of freedom.
Take care of yourself :) and whatever they say negative to you isn’t the truth, it’ll be the complete opposite.
If no contact is difficult, it may be worth “stonewalling” which means giving the very minimal reply.
Narcissistic people often look for a reaction to feed from. It gives them supply like a drug.
When you stonewall, they can no longer get their supply :)

We are all here for you :blush::pray:


Love you @allymisfit :heart::heart::heart:

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Love you too, Midthunder :heart:! Hug

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You must put your own air mask on before placing the oxygen mask on others.