Female Reproductive System Regeneration

Thank you again wow!! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Saw it, thanks!


now it is time for the ladies. happy for ya!


Thank you, Dream! This will help so many women. :purple_heart:


Is this for daily use?
Negentropic pulsar is recommended to use every 3-4 days, right?
I wonder how often we can use this…

I think because it has it, we dont need to play it daily.

How im gonna do it is

i normally play the NP every 3 days.


Torsion x 1
NP x 3 (but ill play it 2 since ill play this one here more often)
Eternal x 5

And it feels amazing (much more stronger than each one alone)

So im gonna listen to this one in the 3 days I dont play the combo above.

And the day we dont play it, we can play the Rejuvenation one, or The Womanly Woman if you have it and or The Primal Urge and i think we will be alright. :hugs:


Thank you Dream :pray:t3::heart:


Thank You :hibiscus::dizzy:


Thank you.

Wonderful! :purple_heart::cherry_blossom:
I was waiting for it so much.
Thank you Sapien

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I’m stupid so I have to ask
Does this help with menstruation regulation
And maybe even PMDD or PMS

It sounds like the answer is yes
Indirectly maybe …?



Although changes in mood, stress, new strong medications, can exacerbate that

Apart from stress, etc mostly irregular menstruation can be caused By PCOS, and PCOS apart from genetics or obesity are caused by excess of androgens.
Also excess of Estrogen and lower Progesterone.

Androgens are secreted in the ovaries (in women) and the Adrenals.

Estrogen is produced in the Ovaries

Progesterone in Ovaries and Adrenals

So balancing the Estrogen and Progesterone def could happen with this audio, and then to wrap it up just play a couple of loops of the Adrenals audio and thats it.

Now PMDD is mostly caused by an imbalance in Seretonin = lower

For this just add a couple of loops of the Seretonin audio

You can make a mini playlist with

The Female Reproductive System
The Reproductive Rejuvenation

And youd round all of it.

Also i believe the Womanly Woman help with all of that too.


Dreamweaver might have helped save the human race with these reproductive rejuvenating fields. Not joking. Can you guess where spike proteins tend to accumulate?



This is incredibly comprehensive

But seriously— wow, thank you


Would this help with over production of androgens then? I’ve been over 6 months listening to endocriner, estrogen-progesterone and Testosterone reducer audios but I still have high androgen symptoms like hirsutism, hair loss and acne on the face. I used to get acne on my body but I think the endocriner and detox audios I’ve used cleansed that although I’m still producing excess androgens

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Probably (my assumption) but remember androgens are also produced in the Adrenals so thats why adding the Adrenals one would heal/fix/balance the production there while this one does it in the ovaries… but remember im not sure, if this field does it for the ovaries, we will find out after one or 2 months period im sure.

I had been playing the new fields for like 2 weeks or so when i got my period this month and it went really really good and nice, just a “normal” little discomfort and pain but the whole thing (im sure you understand) was smooth :hugs:


So helpful! Thank you so much <3


Yw :)

Also i forgot to mention

Induced Kisspeptin

The cherry on the top when it comes to hormones and reproductive system (in this particular case, for women)


Oh great! I never thought of trying this one. I’ll add in my Playlist.

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Kisspeptin its pivotal in the regulation of the cycle, ovaries health balance of estrogen etc

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