Field booster question

How do i spell the word “destinus” correctly? just like it is written?

Also has anybody had any experience with the field boosters? Does it accumulate overnight. Is it permament or should i only use it for when i go out. Do i need to place the item on one of the runes or in the middle of all four?

So many questions i hope some of you have tried it before.

Place it in the circle and say the words like you would spell a latin word, since it is latin.
So no emphasis on any part, just an even “destinus” not DEstinu or deSTInus or something like that.
But be careful, you may boost an item to a point where it hurts to wear and then you’ll have to get used to it again

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i want to min max my gear. If it stacks that’s fine i’m ok with that. It cannot hurt wearing it.
i printed the sigil on a t-shirt and now am running around with the t-shirt inversed and i’m screaming destinus every 30 minutes or so. Until i get raped by 10 women in a circle

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Oh it definitely can :smile:

Well, unlikely. The sigil is made for items, not humans.

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but i have the item on and it touches the sigil bro. I’m boosting it while wearing it.

The instructions in the book are pretty straight-forward though

what book? can you post the instructions ??? The item is touching the sigil i dont see why it souldnt work while wearing it. I also recorded a 30 minute tape that says “Destinum” so i will leave it on for the night and see what happens.

Probably nothing, since the word is “destinus”
I mean the instructions from the book you got the fieldbooster sigil from. It is all written there

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i meant destinus bro am on my phone can’t really type :)

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It would be like pronouncing it in Spanish right?

I don’t know how Spanish people pronounce it. You just say it without any emphasis.
This is Latin, not English. I don’t even know if it is necessary to pronounce it in Latin, I guess it is good enough when you just say the words with the proper intention.

But if you want to say it in Latin… Well, I can imagine that English speakers might have a very difficult time letting go of their speech patterns. You can practice it with a simple word like “Ego”.
In English you pronounce it “Iiiiigo” (I’m exaggerating here to make my point clear)
Your emphasis lies on “E” and you pronounce it “I”.
But it is actually spoken without any emphasis, like the E in “est”.
Ego, est. What may help you is practicing speaking every letter for itself, and then putting it together.
Then it would be:
E = eh
go = goh

The “h” dulls your normal way of pronouncing it.

Again, I don’t even think this is necessary, I think you just have to speak the words with the proper intention and you’re fine haha.


Oh! I think I may know why! The instructions say to say the activation keyword and to leave it on the sigil for the duration of the boost, roughly one hour. So, don’t put it on a shirt. Print it on a piece of paper, but the dog tag on the sigil, say the activation keyword and DON’T TOUCH IT FOR AN HOUR. If it’s on your shirt and you’re wearing it, you’re going to be moving around.