Field for managing emotions linked to exams?

hi, i have this problem: when i have an university exams, my anxiety eats me and i have the classical manifestations (i don’t sleep, i pass the day of the exam on the toilet, i’d prefer die than doing the exam, etc). i have different field that helped me improve my university situation. wiring fields, luck fields and other type of fields. thanks to all these fields i passed 4 exams in july. the problem is that i always feel pessimism and the anxiety is uncontrollable. i have the field stress and anxiety and it helped with the stress part, but not with anxiety. so i think i will buy a field with the specific objective of controlling emotion. which should i buy? emotional dampener? or emotional mastery 2.0? emergency psychologist? i’m open to advices :grin:

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You can try the amygdala audio, very good to calm down


i’m using it every night but for the moment is not improving the situation

there’s this one too

I don’t know much about the fields you mentioned, but some seemingly unrelated fields can work great too, for example the Tree Experience is very calming in my experience. but of course it only fixes it temporarily. hope you find a solution

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Before my exam I tried the smart tap tapper and did the tapping alongside the audio, think that helped. Another thing I like to do is the advanced pranayama technique, I feel great afterwards.


thanks :pray: my idea is to find a permanent solution, but i want to try these new meditation videos.

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i thin the pranayama technique help with the breath work, i should use it but i always forget about the help of the breath work.

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I think by simply keeping your breath in check will go a long way to stay calmer in every day life. Try from today (if you don’t already) start to meditate and think of nothing, that works for me once I do it consistently.

Another method you can try isNavyseal breath work designed for highly stressful environments:

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emotional mastery seems like the safest bet to me because it also includes a neurochemical approach which could help depending on the nature of your problem

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