Or just when you want to get rid of someone?
Hand of glory , willpower, charisma glamour and justice for all
And if you are into mandala then use intercession
Plasma Flower!
I think what you’re seeing is just your inner reflection. The realistic 3D world we’re seeing is just a projection of your inner self, or what your soul needs you to learn. So using self-changing fields like love, gratitude, confidence, optimism … will help.
Kind and patient
True self of others
Give him sweets and make friendship.
Listen as said by him take care of him
Then he will take care of you.
Do good Definitely he will feel shame one day.
Then see how your will come true
Androstenol x10
Thor tag
Awareness of the real situation can help you to get the solution you need.
Edit : Im from the future , this creation can help with this : The Voice of Gamayun
There are alot of fields that can help you with that . You can be Creative
A quick “help” could be Attract Love
Thor thor thor and THOR
I like the difference in approaches
Androstenol 10x Vs show him love
Honestly it depends on your boss. Much like in other areas of life there are many different kids of assholes/bad bosses…
you have the self righteous one, the one who doesn’t walk the talk, the one who micromanages, the one who doesn’t give direction, the one who denies having said things, the one who loves asserting power and taking advantage of people with 0 empathy…
You need different approaches for different kinds of assholes.
There was one guy I worked with a lot (he was not directly my boss but much higher position than me), literally everyone warned me about him - they told me the hardest part of my new position was going to be managing working with him. the common word to describe him was asshole, whoever I asked.
With him the main thing was to not back down. He never shouted but was extremely assertive, manipulative, while also charismatic and had such a force of presence and sheer will he literally always got what he wanted (at work lol). Even if he alone went against entire teams and people outranking him.
He would test you and the second you back down, you’re dead. The only way to manage him was to appeal to the funny side of him, show respect when appropriate but NEVER back down.
There are other kind of difficult people, like the ones who say different things to different people, lie and manipulate a lot and are more of a “sleazy” snake-y personality. Much harder to handle imo but depends on personality.
My point is have a think and find the best way to handle him. Some people need androstenol, some need appreciation :D
You can’t go wrong with most suggestions, the environmental fields like plasma flower or vibe raiser; intercession mandala/audios, confidence sigil (patreon) etc
… the one who hangs out with a gun 24/7 in my case (ex boss). Your post reminded me of him :))
Indeed, because:
Ours was pretty much functioning this way too. He used to take us all to his ranch in the countryside and during the meetings, he would suddenly quit the table and go shoot the sky with his revolver (pffff). Then he was asking:
“Bronyraur, Jane, John… You guys wanna try too?”
The best answer was to remain impassible and say in a neglectful tone:
“No thanks, I don’t feel in the mood today”.
I really wish we had these back then :))
Mine was not this much of a psycho though he did have a serial killer-type smile he did when he was REALLY winning haha
I thought the best answer would be to try in this situation
Lol, I only had two bosses, one was strict and professional, “Good morning” “Good bye” and somedays “Today, we’ll work at another location, I’ll drive you, Jump in”.
The other became my best friend at the time, after work we’d share our resources to get bulk prices on weed and smoke at his place while playing the latest video games. Sometime we’d dress up in medieval clothes and roleplay the same session for months with a group of friends
No psycho or abuses
Calamity Jane Monkey :))
Ah really? Our psycho was rather looking like a teddy, very innocent facial expression and all… but ruthless though. This is why I never accepted his “duello” invitations
I’m sure your instincts were spot on!
just reading it my first thought was in this situation I probably would have been like yeah, where shall I aim?
Though I admit I’ve only ever been to a shooting range once, we had the room for ourselves and some of the guys took HUGE semi automatic rifles and I did not dare to try them stayed with the pistol and even like that it was an adrenaline rush. Just having people shoot them so near you, your body shakes with the soundwaves.
But that was with friends. in a situation where it’s a test (which this sounds like), my competivite/fire-y side comes alive and hell yeah I’ll do (almost) anything
That’s why actually I got on very well with our psycho, though yours sounds a lot scarier.
I should say asshole really, not psycho.
Gee I confirm: you’re definitely an adventurer!
No matter if it’s just with friends, it’s still…
Our anecdotes with the boss were more involuntary We basically found ourselves in the middle of a nuts company and got all kinds of troubles during 2 years. But when looking back now, no regrets ^^
I’d love to hear them if one day you feel like writing them out
And for everyone else, see, most people encounter “difficult” bosses :)
@Philip_Weiss I hope it’s because of your sample size of 2, after a point statistically it gets more and more likely it’s you
I had very few employees in the past, maybe we weren’t friends but I doubt they’d complain about me to other people
Maybe they do lol
Sure! ;) Also, still trying to picture Philip and his second boss/friend
But yes:
probably the best conclusion to pull from this thread. Most of hard times with bosses become fun memories afterwards. And even if not, it’s still an “opportunity” in some ways. Learning the art of difficult relationships, etc. etc.
Yes exactly, me too