Fields for Asperger

Hello everyone,
I recently came to accept that I have asperger syndromes. And it feels like an identity crisis to me somehow.
Now I’m finding fields to neutralize it, I think I don’t want to “be this way” when Captain tools are available.
Besides Autism field and Social Bonder, are there any fields that should help with it?
I’m thinking Brain Key too, but not sure.
Could you please give me your thoughts on this @DR_MANHATTAN?
Thank you! :pray:


I would be very wary if you weren’t formally diagnosed (it would now be a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder) - when it come to psychiatric issues it’s very easy to mis-diagnose yourself, and making “I have Asperger” a part of your identity could potentially make more harm than good. I’ll admit I’m biased on this matter because I, too, thought I had it - turns out I just had social anxiety and little to no socialization with my peers as a teen. It went away once I started meeting new people, which pretty much forces you to develop social skills, but seriously thinking I was autistic was absolutely harmful to me.

That said, if you struggle with poor social skills and limited/repetitive interests, I would suggest, first of all, that you either start the Point of no return stack ( or the Point of no return audio if you can afford it. I would also absolutely recommend JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 🤍 - it works on several issues such as trauma, revision of childhood experiences, raises your vibrational state etc. Other helpful audios would be:

  • Litany against loneliness
  • Attract your soul tribe
  • Animal empathy (said to work on humans as well)
  • The explorer
  • Childlike wonder
  • Zealot of positive change
  • Radical positive change

Thanks for your thoughtful gesture and reccommendation :pray:
I think I have “light” asperger, but I do believe I can neutralize it or reverse it somehow with Captain works.
Like any other crisis, it has its own process, and acceptance is the first step to tranform it, otherwise you’d just be stuck in a circle fighting with your own self. This is not an overnight conclusion. I have long ago thought about this but never came to admit until recently because so it still is a bit shocking for me, but it will fade out.

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Maybe Plasma Brain of Youth


Plasma brain of youth was the precursor to brain key and can be looped without much side effects (of course at your discretion). It has built in axon overgrowth removal

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I used to see someone posted in the Blueprint of Life thread that BoL cured their asperger’s, perhaps you can check it out and PM that person? Make sense to me.

Here it is The Blueprint of Life - #1295 by yamilcore07


If it were me, besides the fields mentioned above, I’d use Stress and Anxiety, the Fungus Destroyer, brain and Spine antioxidant, as there’s some evidence that fungus and gut bacteria play a role. The revision of childhood—and other revision fields—to implant some idealized social support experiences should hep take some of the edges off. Kinesthetic Intelligence should get you that extra bit of coordination that people on the spectrum are often missing. Lastly, I would get the mitochondria boosting fields (there’s near infrared light therapy research, but you can skip the mechanism and go straight to the result, boosted mitochondria. ) Of course, Extreme Self-Confidence and remove subconscious limits are always and forever fields when it comes to interacting with the social worlds.

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