Fields to protect myself from harassment?

Hi Sammy,

Thank you very much for your perspective and the interesting discussion.

I see that this is a very controversial reality model when one is told that “we create 100% of our personal reality”, despite having the impression that “there is an independent outer world deciding over one’s fate”.

Neville Goddard has used this reality model too. In Neville’s model it is assumed that everyone literally 100% manifests their personal reality all the time. This applies for the negative stuff as well.

In such a “100% personal manifestation” model:

…on the one hand, one is told that one manifests everything.
…on the other hand, one has all those emotionally charged up experiences.

And accepting this model as true, would require to accept that oneself has been the source of all negative these experiences too.
This is a always a big challenge for the ego and the current personal identity one has built for oneself based on all those experiences.

The ego will always try to protect the stability of this identity construct and will try “until its last breath” to make it look like “there are still forces out there, over which one has no control”. The ego will always try to put responsibility on external forces.

In another thread, the Captain wrote something very similar, at least this is how interpretated it, that we are indeed living in our “reality bubbles” that come into resonance with other’s “reality bubbles”:

And I see what you are saying. Of course, no one wants to manifest negative experiences on purpose. And when I say “that women and men manifest being harrassed” then of course they never wanted this consciously to happen. In most cases it was because of personal resonance with a collective fear-based belief system. Since 98% of our daily lives are ruled by the subconscious mind and its programs, so are our manifestations.

A possible explanation of why this happens in the first place would be that when a soul incarnates on this planet, in the first 7 years the child’s brain is in constant alpha brain wave mode and thus soaks in
all the belief systems from everyone around. During this period the child’s subcoscious mind is very open for any type of input (a survival mechanism).
Unfortunantely, those soaked-in belief systems are mostly negative and represent a world of fear, lack, greed and exploitation.
With this happening, some children unconsciously then manifest these very negative outcomes. It is a sick society with a sick belief system that affects the innocent souls coming to this plane and overwhelms them with this negativity.

And sometimes, as harsh as this sounds, the Higher Self also wants to collect some really negative experiences in this physical reality and will allow for this matrix randomness to run wild. From the perspective of the incarnated soul it may appear as the most cruel, unjust thing happening to them, but from the perspective of the Higher Self (who knows that it will heal everything later on anways) there is a special growth opportunity hidden in that. Many cruel things happening on this plane are staged on purpose and this can be really difficult to grasp. This will trigger many for sure, so I will let this topic and go back to the new-soul-coming-to-earth example:

…and then later on in life and even here on this spiritual forum – how many folks still consume TV, hollywood movies, news and social media feeds?

Those are full of messages that tell the subconscious mind how unsafe the world is, how there are robbers and rapists everywhere.

The media reports mostly negative stuff, yet most people still consume it, a.k.a. getting “negative dopamine” by consuming “anger porn” and checking “what’s exciting happening in the world”.

Then people wonder why they are afraid in a dark street, or afraid of being sexually harrassed because they show too much skin etc.
It is not the dark street but whom you potentially meet there based on personal resonance.
It is not the amount of skin you show, but whom you potentially meet and their primal reactions based on personal resonance.

I am not telling to not be cautious, only to delete all fears and not be in resonance with them.
The first step, besides listening to fields, would be to cut out all those negative fear-based messages being fed into one’s mind on a daily basis. People are watching criminal series on Netflix and then go to bed, cementing in all those fear based messages in their minds. It really matters what we put into our minds on a daily basis. Are these messages of fear and lack? Or are these messages of empowernment and abundance?
I even installed a YouTube recommendations blocker because there are so many negative subliminal headlines in there…

And when one needs their dopamine kick, make sure it is “positive dopamine” (like “Wow, that new field from the Captain :star_struck:!”) vs. “negative dopamine” (like “What does YT say about this new miserable movie :triumph:?”).

What we all can today to break the cycle of feeding a fear-based world view to the next generation is e.g. if we have children, to throw the TV and radio box out and educate them on how the subconscious mind works. I don’t think many rich folks allow their kids to watch hours of, TikTok, Disney, Netflix or CNN every day. Let’s be part of the solution and not consume any content that is pushing this fear-based world view.

Hmm, but there are also many people who do manifest their lives and that do not “end up in horrid situations”.

It is always this one guy out of 1,000 who can’t control his urges or express them in a healthy way.
Or there is always this one guy out of 10,000 who beliefs he needs to rob someone to survive.

If the people you are speaking about that “end up in horrid situations” still, for some reason, encounter that perticular one negative person out of the 1,000, then this for sure means that there is still a huge resonance between the two, and hence overlap of their personal reality bubbles.

I don’t believe one would on a regular basis meet that one particular evil guy out of the 1,000 just by accident and randomness alone. It is statistically unlikely, therefore it is a rather a hidden subconscious resonance.

Yes, I fully agree.
And that’s why my suggestion has been, in the long-term, to work on one self’s deep hidden topics to break out from this influence.
So that you, vibration wise, only allow yourself to be affected by the influence of positive and non-threatening people (the 999 of the 1,000).
That negative influence will continue to exist, but you do not need to be in resonance with it. That’s why I love the Ascension tag so much – it literally changes your personal resonance to the reality you expirience :slight_smile:

I will politely disagree with this statement and stick with my personal experience, that other people’s manifestations can barely touch you or your personal reality if there is not at least some subconscious resonance somewhere with them.

This is part of the “randomness” or the matrix base program. It is hardwired into the DNA for survival and procreation of the physical shells. But because it is a program, and most people subconsciously follow this program, those primal instincts have a huge impact on most people’s reality.

On the positive side, despite that program, 999 out of 1,000 people can control their instincts and are not part of the primal problem anymore.

That’s what “hot” men experience all the time too.
The effect of being a primary target for procreation is not limited to any gender.
Women are genetically hardwired to be on the constant lookout for the best possible male genes too.
Genes do not care about our personalities as souls, they are only executing their own physical program.

Maybe we should not take it too personal what our genes want and understand that they are just running a basic algorithm?
An algorithm that has a big big influence on our lives, but at least we can try to understand that it is just a movie on a screen that we are watching and not who we truly are.

Yes, they do. But if you are of high self-esteem, it will not bother you that other folk’s genes are lusting after you. You might even perceive this as a “genetic compliment”.

Just because they lust after you, does not mean they are threatening you. Unfortunately in our sick society, we are being brainwashed that “being lusted after” is often connected with the idea of “being harassed”.

It is sick because a positive “genetic compliment” is being forcefully associated with a negative fear of “being harassed”.

This creates a subconscious mind-fuck of lust and fear being associated with each other, leading to all types of unhealthy sexual behavior and fetishes.

Then, as a consequence of this mind-fuck and subconscious congnitive dissonance, that 1 guy out of 1,000 who gets overwhelmed by that, acts out his desperation on a victim that he comes in resonance with.

Yes, because humanity is in a collective trance where 99.9% of the people carry the same negative belief system within them.

In the first world we have the luxury that we are exposed to many ideas beyond the collective belief system, and hence have a higher chance of breaking out of this negative manifestation cycle than people in countries without access to internet and education.

Proof for personal resonance at work :slight_smile:

…however, you also just said it yourself that you are not yet there with being in full resonance with safety:

So who is in power here?
That area in NYC?


I agree it is long hard work. But isn’t that the reason why we are in a spiritual forum? This stuff here will only be read by people who are open to such ideas in the first place anyways…

The other have provided field recommendations for immadiate help.
My goal has been to to additionally, provide info on the possible next level on how the manifestation of this type of problem could be avoided forever.
Everytime I try to provide a long-term instead of a short-term solution, some people are triggered, but that’s normal…


In this case I would recommend to use those fields that would specifially target and work on countering that 1 paticular guy, out of the 100 guys, who cannot control his primal urges even in a “modern” environment.

Those would be fields that would target their primal system and reptile brain, that means fields that would create as much fear as possible in them.

This would be the first line of defense – the fear to block their potential action while it is still in their limbic system.

The second line of defense would be the intervention from higher realms (Angelic Intercession, Michael mandala, Alien intercession).

Servitors can probably help with all levels of defense.