Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine)

Oh man, I love this field so much haha. It makes me so happy and I keep wanting to loop it because it’s so perfect to vibe to. :laughing:


@_OM How many times a day can you listen this Mongolian Medicine? Thanks

2-3x is enough.


can’t we play more? on loop? Not on constant loop but a stack loop (8 or so diff audios

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This is all now on Patreon! Party time!!


Do you think this would also balance doshas as they also correspond to elements? Or is that quite different?


I’m hooked on this one now…
I’m going to do a dosha balancing “diet” for a couple of days (well I already started but have a couple of things that don’t fit but I need to eat before they go off so it doesn’t quite count lol) and planning to use this a lot as supplement!


I was typing out a long thing about Plasma, Metatron, and zero point energy, but just ask a servitor to share any clearing, energizing, expansion, negentropy, or other beneficial energies amongst the concepts of Hinduddhist elements, Daoist elements, and doshas.


Hi! Can I ask which dosha are you balancing?

I think it was one of your posts somewhere that gave me the inspiration to look this up myself.

I seem to fall under the kapha dosha type. My “agni” or digestive fire is not optimal and I have excessive “dampness”. I’m making it a point to drink ginger tea regularly and using raw honey as sweetener instead of Splenda.


In general kapha, it was very easy to identify this as the constitution by birth. Both in terms of personality, habits and physique - I’m pretty strong and have always been, I remember sometimes I would beat the boys in gym class in certain strength excercise when I was a teen :sweat_smile: Coincidentally I almost exclusively have earth and water in my birth chart.

However, my lifestyle in the past 1-3 years has balanced this to a degree both by circumstance (a lot of moving, between countries as well as flats), starting active hobbies like alpine hiking, cycling ect and by excluding food groups advised to be excluded because I noticed I reacted badly e.g. dairy, meat maybe 1x a month, oil-free cooking etc.
There are some advices that I have t incorporated and waking up early is not my forte to say the least but I have been making an effort for the past months.

I am now experiencing some eczema/dryness symptoms that are related to the other doshas.
So what I am planning to do is an at least 3 days kitchari (see how it goes) since it is said to balance all doshas. Ive also looked up the method for the oily self massage, so I’m starting that as well in the morning :blush:


Thanks! That was very insightful. :smile:

I mostly have water and air in my chart, needs more earth for grounding. And I need to look more into these too. This whole concept of balancing the elements does seem to have its physical manifestations/effects.


Why would you ever go a day without 5 elements and Blarney Stone



OT Sidereal chart?

What Is Sidereal Astrology?

Most of the horoscopes you see in the United States and Europe are based on the tropical system of astrology. However, there is another kind called true sidereal astrology. Both forms of astrology contain signs named after constellations.

The difference is the tropical system is based on a fixed astrological map of the stars as they were around 0 AD. The sidereal system is based on the current position of the constellations.


If I’m not mistaken, Sidereal is also known as Vedic or Indian astrology.

For example, in Western astrology my Rising sign is in Gemini but in Sidereal it’s in Taurus.

LunaMoon explains it somewhere here:

(Sorry it’s a long read)

On topic: Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine also puts a lot of emphasis on balancing the elements.


Thank you for the whole discussion, but I only asked if you were referring to the sidereal card

Haha, sorry. :sweat_smile:

It’s both charts. Both are water-heavy, some air and fire, but not much earth.

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this audio sounds like it mentions my name at 1:15


This can be a sign for you to use it more.
There are great medicine in this audio.

Have you tried to meditate while listening?


Just did a 40 min meditation with this track.

Heard someone call out my name.

Some pain in the bone on back of right hand.
Some pain in right shoulder joint as well. I had broken this shoulder joint 2 years ago


Nice that this thread has been bumped :slight_smile:
I have had this track in my morning playlist for about 2 months, which means i listen to this at least once a day, no exceptions.

It’s not so easy to put my finger on what this fields has been changing exactly, also because I added a lot of other fields and also working on myself in other ways… but i think it brings balance in a lot of ways, habits are also “normalizing” a bit.
it especially makes sense in the context of what I have read about ayurveda, some habits i’ve had in my entire life of being a “night owl” (i have always loved working out in the night after 10pm for example), sleeping in whenever possible, skipping breakfast because I am not hungry, preferring to have a larger meal at night… these are all attributes of one ayurvedic type (related to 2 elements).
Slowly this is coming closer to what would be considered ideal from an ayurvedic perspective.
I’m eating more during the day and not much in the night (without conscious effort, i just eat when i’m hungry); most days I even have breakfast - unless I went out for dinner, then I really cant :D

I even went for a run in the morning last week, and although I can’t say I liked it, I didnt hate it as much as I normally would hate any type of morning workout lol

TL;DR: There have been a lot of subtle changes resulting in better overall balance.