Flight to Fight (N/A)

Try this way, if you don’t use PayPal

I don’t see any payment option other than paypal

Me too, I didn’t use PayPal on Sound weave…
Try with your laptop if doesn’t work with phone.

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Is this the right audio to use if you have become emotionally numb because you have been in fight/flight for too long or too intense?


Could be. Especially if your tendency in the past has been toward flight, freeze or fawn.

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I guess you could argue that emotional numbness would resemble flight+freeze


Tried both, desktop and phone

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If you’re wanting to be more in touch with your emotions so that you can better interact with them, then you might want to look into New Release: Emotional Mastering Protocol.

If you’re wanting to better process your emotions or or your pasts events or process your fight/flight responses, you might want to look at My personal emotional and mental supporter or some of the many healing fields we have.

To me, this field sort of overcomes the overused flight portion of our practiced flight/fight responses, helping us to examine whether we really want to take our practiced flight responses and pushes us more towards taking healthier actions towards our challenges.

And to be clear, I’m not there (:point_up:) making any judgments about anyone or suggesting that we should “always” be in “fight” mode or that “fight” is somehow better than “flight.” My comments there are only for those people who have decided–according to their own standards, definitions and preferences–that they tend to “flight” in situations where they now prefer to be “moving towards” something.

Hope that helps.


Actually, it sounds like all three of them go into the direction of what I am looking for. The only questions I have is whether they work fast enough (I am talking about days, not weeks) and if they are the right thing if the cause is emotional and not physiological. Sadly, most of them aren´t available anymore

I just found emotional mastering protocol on enlightenedstates, thank you.
It makes a lot of sense in that situation…

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I know you found Emotional Mastering Protocol. If you’re interested in anything you isn’t currently on Gumroad, for now, you can purchase them directly from Sammy. For details, check out the first post of Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields.


@Destinus By the way, a little warning concerning PayPal
They are very unreliable business partners and they hold a grudge against subliminal/audio stuff, especially if it is something related to medicine, so if you are going to do that, make sure your products have no medical terms in their name

Just a little heads up to keep you out of the trouble. There is a reason why many creators in this field don´t offer paypal


Ive got it guys. Thanks for your input


Wow this field is truly powerful! I’ve only listened once and felt an immediate shift in my mental state, feel like I can conquer anything! Will keep you all updated :muscle:


After reading the threads, this seems like an epic item. I’m definitely going to get it at $5 lol. What other fields/NFTs have this effect?


Is this on gumroad? Didn’t see it there. Never used the other service before.


It’s on the Sound Weave, official store as Sapien Shop


Is sound weave owned by sapien? Are all the products on sound weave made by sapien?




First listen. This field feels so nice. Like other anxiety removal ones with kicker.