Flight to Fight (N/A)

got it guys! Thanks for your help peeps

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damn I have to unzip it

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:grin: Unzip and enjoy


Where can I find the descriptions of this new Gem by Captain?
I hear it once it’s relaxing :ok_hand::pray:

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No description yet bro but it seems as if it’s going to work on the fight/flight response which is quite nice for people with anxiety(the title)


Thank you, much needed nowadays
Thank you Dream :pray:

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Right bro! Especially rn, for some reason my anxiety just flares without any reason and it causes my body to go overdrive it’s insane frfr


Like I don’t even have any bad thoughts or intrusive thoughts, my body is just automatically on constant fight or flight causing bp, nerve issues, pain, etc

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So it’s really hard to relax with a high heart rate, etc but I’m not worrying, it’s just fight or flight but it’s really uncomfortable

If this does really work on the fight or flight then it’s divine timing :pray:t4:


I know what you mean. My resting heart rate has usually been about 130 for the past few years but great news is it’s dropped to 110!!!
Meaning to say just keep on SMing ;)
You could also use ego dissolution.
And as once @AkiraTheWild once told me, Magnetic Heart Coherence :heart::earth_americas:

Edit: consider getting the emotional NFTs he just released on there

Edit Edit: Prynama of Anulom Vilom (16 times) on: Ego Dissolution followed by New Perspectives x2
And Schumann Resonance ofc


I understand you, because I have the same conditions especially these last three years,

our Captain is taking care of us.

I am so grateful for him,

I wish that I know him before, less than one year here and I am making huge progress.

Thank you :pray:

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sadly it’s a bit expensive for me so i’m gonna stick with this!

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May I ask Have you contracted covid before ?

never lol


I know how does it feel man…

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sucks man but I think this is why this field is here @Dreamweaver

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I see. Well try cutting off caffeine if you can. It trigger anxiety. Things like coffee or chocolate or even a tea/green tea. Try doing that detox thing for 2 months and see how it goes. My anxiety also quite bad lately but it’s due to covid. I feel like each night I have PTSD episode but I cut off caffeine extremely off from my body. It help a bit. More manageable


Like flashbacks?
I gave one of my NFTs for loan to a friend and ever since I’ve been encountering flashbacks like crazy.
With that said:
I am doing the 5 Senses Method
add ice to the back of my neck
And two frozen oranges in both palms

Or if you can: fill a shower with ice cold water. Immerse yourself in it. It snaps you out. Hopefully these may just work. And lots of love and light to you
@anon25711007 you’re a bada*s :heart:


I am sure that will help, it’s Dream’s creation :pray::ok_hand:

I’ll try to not overuse it

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Yes. I feel like everything trigger me. Like high sound. My brain feel not right after contracted omicron :sweat_smile: but it’s more manageable though. Than months ago

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