Flight to Fight (N/A)

Thanks @Jen :heart:
Also … does it only download as a zip … I somehow wanted to avoid the compression and extraction of files …although seems like the field is intact in the process … since captain is allowing this way so …

(I couldn’t wait for response so I reactivated my PayPal and did it already lol …though you responded so quick and with a great solution :+1:t2:)


Yeah it came as zip but I just clicked on it and the file was there and it sounds great!


I think this field works more powerful when coupled with getting out there. Or maybe not even. I didn’t think it was at first(I thought it might be due to the Fear one) but I been spamming the shit outta this one. (I go through periods where I spam the Extreme Self Confidence, Subconscious Limits Remover, Flight to Fight, Childlike Wonder, Become Whole for sometimes 8 hours via dragon) and as I went up to jump out of the plane 14,000 ft in the air, I had zero butterflies. Lol. I have always been scared to death of heights as a kid. I think it works. Lol.

Edit: For some reason I thought they had said 40,000 ft. But when they sent me the video, I asked this girl named Lo, and she told me it’s only 14,000 ft. Lmao.


Always when I go in public I don’t even use music anymore in the public transport, I just loop thus field and I see my anxiety getting smaller and smaller over time, for me it’s the most effective field for social anxiety :+1:t2:


Don’t worry about the compression and extraction. The compression algorithms are well-know and have been accounted for when the fields, which are meant to be compressed, are made. Therefore, those fields are unaffected by the compression-extraction process.

Your zip files and fields are fine.


So we’re all pretty sure this can’t lead you into getting into an actual fight, right?


The problem for most people is that the Flight or fight response is being triggered in non-life threatening situations, such as mere business negotiations, and mostly it is triggered in the flight direction. This field gets one back in the game. No doubt there are situations where this could lead to a fight, but being ready to fight and fighting are very different things.


I appreciate that. Good thoughts there.

Let me rephrase the question. This is a field I have barely used and only when alone. I’d like to use it more but I’m hesitant and cautious about it. Even thought it’s Sapien Medicine. The branding, knowing the creator here, has the opposite effect from giving me any reason to worry. I want to be clear about that.

But I do have a real concern that this could get me imprisoned, hospitalized or fired. I meet some truly good people on the day to day. And yet, I also meet some very hostile people on a regular basis while doing my job, just genuinely malicious people.

So my question is, now that many of us have had some time to try it out, can I get a general poll or feel from the crowd on this? Without putting up an actual poll.

(yeah I changed my mind, and put up a poll, I reckon it will only make Captain look better and I’m all for that, and ease my concerns, but I still want to know because like I said, it is an honest concern I have)

Are you all feeling generally safe with this? Has anyone had a close call and felt like this is one they need to be careful to only use when in good company?

  • No not at all, never felt any need to be concerned about that
  • No, even though I used this on more than one occasion shortly before interacting with very unfriendly people, it never influenced me to behave in a way that would lead to an altercation (that means a fight)
  • yeah, I had at least one close call
  • yes, I got my ass handed to me / I handed someone’s ass to them / had a career or life or health or legally impacting altercation (that I suspect this field contributed to the occurrence of)

0 voters

Sorry, had to rewrite this, thank you for the 1 voter… my bad.


I use it a lot. I never felt it spill over into aggression. It feels more like a field that diminishes avoidance behavior more than it promotes aggression.


Wonderful. That’s what I needed and wanted to hear. Just a little encouragement to take it into my work day and see for myself. Thank you.


maybe play some chill fields, as well, if you detect a rage episode., but it’s done nothing but make me colmer.


If anything it lowers it for me, lessens my fear response, and really I believe most aggression stems from fear.

This for me promotes more calm and self assurance


“got my ass handed to me” hahah


Lol no it doesn’t do anything like that. This allows for you to remain more grounded/ in your true element; how to respond more tactfully; not just to your physical surroundings, but inner as well
Also: you will hear from him himself if there was anything to worry about :)

As a general rule of thumb: this, as well as anything else DreamWeaver created will never have you going to jail; if anything, it will help you stay out of it. Don’t overthink it :slight_smile:


That’s probably why he added unconditional love to unconditional androstenol. Someone with a twisted mind with enough confidence can do some twisted stuff, and definitely get thrown in jail.

So idontknow about dat.

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Perfectly said.


Not here to debate or play hypotheticals Freitql
Here to give reassurance,
‘Tis all.

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I understand.

For me it’s the same as the other reviews.
I have less fear but also when I become mad it’s a lot more controlled, I don’t lose my temper with this field. :+1:t2: