Flight to Fight (N/A)

Is this one a smart field??

while buying this money got deducted but didnt receive file. anybody had same experience?


Contact the support team https://sn.gl/download-support

Or soundweave@thesoundweave.com

they will help you to solve that.

Usually it takes few seconds to receive both emails, payment confirmation then the link to download the Audio.

Good luck


I saw my account statement and I have been refunded. I tried twice and both the times got refund. How can i get the file.?

My transaction didn’t go through.

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Please avoid purchasing for now if payment is through paypal.

It is paypal that is the problem.


i see. But yday I got Acne Ablation without any problem

soundweave sound be fine, it is its own thing.

I am not seeing the orders you mentioned. A few were placed after, which are fine, so i believe it may be your bank or card itself.
The order doesn’t register on the system, so i believe that the problem happens before, with the bank or card etc.


are you sure? I just tried it and again it refunded the money.

Are you talking about Gumroad or Soundweave?

Soundwave is working fine as Captain said
Good luck

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Keep trying, I am sure it’s working fine.

Try with a different card.

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done. used a diff browser.


Glad to hear that you solve it :+1::+1::+1:


Wow… I’m really blown away !
I had some issues I was facing and my bro @JAAJ recommended me to get this audio and I got it with no hesitation, I was drawn to it with a large magnetic pull.

I thought to my self how can a little audio like this help ? :exploding_head::crystal_ball:
And then I remembered this is @Dreamweaver were dealing with… :thinking::eyes:
I was meditating on the first loop and visions of me in a kings attire walking above steps to reach the top, of where I thought ? :crown:
Then I see endless amounts of people where looking at me, :eyes:
Suddenly flows of energy surged throughout my whole body and I clenched my fists so hard I felt like I could punch through buildings like superman !! :facepunch:t4::zap:

Then my attention was brought to the heart area of all people and then my own trying to show the interconnection of everything, it felt euphoric ! :heart::rose:

I don’t usually loop things for more than 2 loops but this one I did 5x and it made me go clean the whole house at like 10:30pm :joy::mechanical_arm:
And the problem I was facing was getting a little more bearable as I felt my brain rewiring and pulsating so much…

I didn’t expect this to happen, and you may be going “through” something let this be the medium to allow you to punch through all the blockages. :mechanical_arm::facepunch:t4:

Thank you dearly @Dreamweaver and thank you my bro @JAAJ :rose::zap::crown:



You know when you uncover a block, but you still can’t talk yourself out of it? That had me in a mood today. Kept aiming at it from different directions- nada. Wouldn’t budge. Which make sense I mean, what you resist persists after all.

The block is, my subconscious is a little too preoccupied with “protecting me from disappointment.” Which makes thinking positively, a favored pastime of mine, sometimes difficult. I’m sure you can imagine.

So somewhere along my rambling path today through the thickets and what not I come to a point where I realize, you’re only worried about disappointment if you don’t think you have the tools to handle it. Resilience. And so being preoccupied with protecting yourself from that (this is the case for me, anyway, I’m not trying to generalize and extrapolate. If this resonates with you, cool) is essentially a hiding activity, or a running activity. FLIGHT.

So, naturally I thought of this. Bought it, listened twice. Not a review but initial thoughts, I did get what I wanted out of it for today. The dialogue in my head went from:

Version 1.0:

“You don’t need to protect me from disappointment.”
“Yes I do. Because what if this and that and the other.”


Version 2.0:

“What about disappointment?”
“Just do it again.”
“Do it again?”
“What about wasted time?”
“You decide what’s wasted and what’s not. Also, not for anything, you also decide what’s disappointment and what’s not.”

These are just initial thoughts. So clearly, I feel more determined, more flexible in my thinking, and basically like there’s less of a gravity, less issue with taking risks (even in my own mind, cringe).

I’m excited for where this field will help take me, I feel it was a piece that really helps to complete the puzzle as of late.


Yes it is —> “Its smart in that it does this, when there are ‘flight’ responses.”

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I bought this with paypal, but I didn’t receive any emails?

Damn didn’t read this

Edit: I’ve been refunded

The Soundweave site is separate from The Sapien Shop and so it wasn’t affected by the Paypal problems. The Paypal problems were strictly for newly reopened Sapien Shop.

A few things you might want to try. First, use a proper computer (rather than a cell phone). A tablet could have some of the issues that have plagued phones working with Paypal.

Next, try a different browser. Some browsers don’t always catch up to Paypal’s software (and vice versa).

Finally, check with your bank to make sure your card is all right or to see if any new banking regulations in your country went into effect (beginning a new month and all).

FWIW, I was able to buy this field (with my credit card, checking out as “Guest”) on Soundweave just the other day, in the midst of the Paypal troubles with The Sapien Shop.

Hope that helps.

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