Flight to Fight (N/A)

Perfectly said.


Not here to debate or play hypotheticals Freitql
Here to give reassurance,
‘Tis all.

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I understand.

For me it’s the same as the other reviews.
I have less fear but also when I become mad it’s a lot more controlled, I don’t lose my temper with this field. :+1:t2:


Oops didn’t know this website was a new launch by captain himself … just got to know.
I thought it was yet another portal like Gumroad or Teespring so made that remark haha.
But honestly I always used to think why captain doesn’t launch his own website to sell the products instead of those staggered at various places… and here we go :+1:t2::smiley:


yo ! :shield: :handshake: :shield:

You see… it has different effects dependingg on what you where doing , where you are etc etc…

But then its your choice act as whatever. not fighting because you are scared its not equal to not fight because “you dont want it” .


This is an scene that literally shows what it could prevent.

(Anime its on spanish , but the images and sounds i think are enough

context: this guy its afraid cuz dont know when his enemie gonna attack so he see everyone as his enemie )

This is amazing.

I would say if you fight with this , its your choice. It seem that by cooling your mind you can get logical and calm solutions to prevent fights, but if needed , you develop at your best.



Any new experiences with this field?
I just started to use it
Just feel calm and grounded


Based on experience Can it replace perhaps stop procrastinating

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I’d say that depends on the cause of the person’s procrastination. For some, yes.

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Really while listening on loop there’s some mind game prevail in my brain which help me to face with fears and worries first in Imagination and I even though up solution.
Don’t know if the last part is because of Imaginarium divine or this field.
But I see this field very helpful

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Yes had the same experience -it took a while :) but I do have it now …I had to reach out to them

@Shivy-SzN @Violet
Guys how did you manage to make the purchase. The option to pay as a guest and add your card does not appear for me.

Try switching browsers.

Also, try making your purchase from a device other than your phone. Ideally, a computer.

Be aware that the As A Guest link is usually tiny and you’ll want to look carefully for it. Sadly, they deliberately make it easy to overlook but it’s there.


Did it through Paypal but also what @WellBeing said

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Found another solution. Just created a new account worked fine. Cheers!


Haha, this audio is gold. But there are pros and cons to being like this, as I had posted in one of my other posts. lol. Why? Well, like, I always have been nonchalant and apathetic for the most part (besides for a bad anger problem when I even ‘felt’ disrespected, either by someone’s tone, or even not being able to take a joke. Ego lol. Anger management helped me sooo much. Like that one works so gooood. True Self of Others and Patience and Kindness also compounds everything. Thank you very much Mr. Dreamster. :pray: Thanks for everything bro.) But like, things I have noticed are, it seems I am even MORE nonchalant. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. Like I had went on a first family trip since I been out like a week ago. When we got there to the parking lot of Kemah Boardwalk, I’d seen a car pass by with all males. And like I see one looking at me. So the whole time I held his stare for a couple of seconds. Not even breaking at all. And it was like for a long couple of seconds it seemed, until he finally looked away. Not even sure why I did that, lol. Before it was because of my ego. I feel like when someone keeps staring at me, they are tryna intimidate something, and that never worked on me. Lol. You gon’ have to show me action too. Lol.

Usually, since I was young, I would see someone staring at me (I am talking males), I would look away the first time, and maybe a second time. But the 3rd time I am like “What’re you looking at?” Or I would nod my head like “What bro?” But this time, I didn’t even break the first stare. Lol. I wasn’t mad like I usually get though. (Due to the Anger Management and other audios) Another thing I noticed is like, I carry around my labtop in my car when I drive, with a small mini speaker my ex had bought for me. (Lol. Ghetto, but hey, I am living in hard times. But it thumps though! lmao) And like, sometimes I be driving, and like, the field goes on and on, on repeat until I am tired of the noise. So like alot of times, I would be driving with one hand, and the other one I would be pressing the touch screen. Or, sometimes I just put in in cruise control (or not lol) and I would use both hands to choose the song on the labtop, with feet pressed to the pedal still. (Yes, I have veered off the road a few times times, but I sincerely believe with my whole heart, and most likely subconsciously, that I will never die from a car accident. And I never do! My bro Tommy can even tell you we were in some kinda ‘Final Destination’ accident with two cars hitting us on the freeway, and came out without a scratch! One of them literally hit us from my side) One time when I was visiting my dad, I had picked him up, so we could go eat. When I got the laptop from the back while driving, he was like “What are you doing? :rofl:” And I am like, just changing the song. He made a face like, “I think he is crazy.” lol. Also, I am always going 100 plus on the freeway, cutting from lane to lane. (I also believe whole heartedly and most likely subconscious, that no law will ever pull me over, and I swear on my life they never do! :rofl: But I promise I will post if they do, but they won’t!) Tbh, I can’t even remember the last time I had butterflies from the top of my dome. Now that I look back in retrospect though, I used to get butterflies in prison before I would fight or when I got my heart checked though. This field is amazing!


Thanks for your detailed review. To use the anger management might be something I should consider.

But please don’t go on your laptop or phone while driving, everyone thinks there will never be an accident… And it doesn’t have to be you who gets hurt… Use vlc player, you can loop it there or create your playlists


You are welcome bro. Thank you for your good advice. I forgot to add though, usually when I do it, I look really quick. But just not all the time. But most times. Lol. The funny thing is, sometimes I do indeed make a playlist. But I dunno. Sometimes I just get in a nonchalant mood, or get in a rush. But you are totally right bro. I will try to remember to make playlists from now on. :pray: Thank you.


I was here sometime last month lol


Really? Lol. I think it might been like a month ago? I said last week, but it was more like 3 weeks ago. It’s nice right bro? Small world lol