Following recommended Weight Loss Stack

I looked as well, and it doesn’t appear to be available individually. Why are you against the idea of using ‘Weight Loss Combo’?

I want to play the different weight loss audios at different times of the day… to try out the recommendations in the course.

Here are the ones i know of:

Fat burn generic advantage

Super metabolism boost

Hunger inhibitor

Stomach shrinking and toning

Automated cardio


What is this Hunger Inhibitor? I don’t seem to recall this from Sapien Med

I believe this is for men’s use? Hmm… I don’t want to build big muscles like these :laughing:

Nope… Cardarine just mostly preserves muscles during weight loss.
It’s not used to “bulk up”.
And many women use the actual product to get “cut”

You’re not going to turn into a male or female bodybuilder with this field :slight_smile:
Maybe a swimsuit model tho :wink:


What field would you recommend for pure muscle bulking ?

Extreme muscle growth seems to make me a bit too skinny.

If I want a conor mcgregor at 170 kind of body, what fields would be best …?

I use lgd twice then legs and upper twice each with estrogen reducer.

Latest testosterone seems to help with bulk but its killing spiritual gainz.

Any secret ones? Maybe super human mutant? I remember it had something dope for muscles

I like LGD 3303 for that.
I thought you were the one who specifically asked for it… :thinking:

So go back to the older one? or dont it all.
I’m betting you have enough T already and LGD/Cardarine would do the rest.

yeah i read people were using it for that. That was news to me.
I thought it was more for endurance but I think Cardarine replaces that aspect of it too.

Edit I see you still writing…
HGH! you got HGH in your stack? That’s you get that Greek statue look.

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Nah, I asked for a general androgen receptor fix. Like dopamine redux but androgen redux lol.

Doesnt LGD supress test tho?

Pepck-cmus concentrated in muscle tissue, sounds fancy lol

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Yeeh I love HGH but it makes my face hurt lol.

It gives me that rocky balboa face

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if you’re prone to it already.
But we literally have everything you would need for a PCT in fields to recover if that’s an issue

And from what I’ve read, it comes back naturally anyways with LGD.
It’s not a long-term/permanent suppressant like true steroids would be.

Just the body realizing it doesn’t need to make as much T.

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Aight, so my stack is this then

Lgd 2x
Reduce estrogen 1x
Legs 2x
Upper body 2-3x

No other hormone audios

Should work right?

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looks good to me.
but i’d put estrogen last.
no doubt you’ll see gainz.


Why? Wouldnt it be better to inhibit aromatase and then use fields that increase test?

If I use it after test audios then it might already get converted.

The estrogen audio only inhibits aromatase right? Or does it also lower existing levels?

Purely just an intuitive thing I got.
Feels like you like might need that hormone cocktail mix while working out,
and then kill the estrogen starting post workout.
But It might only apply to me.

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These custom fields keeping Senpai busy…ffs lol

I remember he was also gonna remake extreme muscle growth, who knows how potent that could be for pure bulking.


It’s from his newly released Biochemical Album on Patreon… All the links I’ve posted are linking to his Patreon page

From the description that he posted : Hunger Inhibitor - uses the actions of leptin not leptin itself, to let the brain feel less hungry. works on (hunger-blocking effect on the hypothalamus )

I am following a similar stack too, Can I add DHT after lgd?

Probably lol. I switched stacks again

Reduce estrogen 1x
Lgd 2x
Cardio 3-4x
Extreme muscle 1-2x

I used dht before bed for warlord face but I replaced it with facial symmetry and toning and that one works even better.

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