šŸ—æ Forgotten Gems -- Most Overlooked Sapien Fields on YouTube

Gonna do it when my audio reachs its end


Anyone heard the overcome a bad financial situation from the psychic university? The one and two versions ? Worked as advertised?

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It funny i mention the lower danties, i was reading about it today and the link somone sent,

I read that the kidney is where life force is held and its supplied to the nerby areas.

In islam we also beileve that sperm comes from the lower spine and kidney. lol

I got his Journey Series + Buff series, hoping to start using them soon, just been hard to find time lolā€¦

For now, still focused on Panchanga Seriesā€¦


The Jing specifically, chi too is in kidneys of course

Life force got to do with DNA as I read in sapien descriptions

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Thatā€™s fire! I wanna get that Godlike Jing field!

Lately Iā€™ve been using these fields, not always in a particular order:

Blueprint of Life
Major Blueprint of Power
Plasma Flaunt
Order By 3
De-inhabiter Combo
Bhooted Boots
Kala Bhairava
Intergalactic Tour
10 Paramitas
Arc Light Body (my main focus)- I wonder if this is why Iā€™m being attacked. I think it started when I got this field and increased when I became really focused on it. Maybe they really want that Arc Sun energy. LOL.

Navagraha Homam
The Essence of Mantras
Essence of Faith and Prayer
The Blessed Paths (from Golden Keys)
WW- Contentment & Magic
Probability Alteration & Luck

Iā€™ve unfortunately had to take a break from Panchanga Yoga because Tapasya Realized pushes my medication out too fast and messes with the wean down process.


Man you still got fatigue problems?

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By the way feel better with Saint Michael? I did a prayer but donā€™t know if it worked didnā€™t heard anything from him


That series is POWERFUL, dare say that, but probably the most life-changing of Sapienā€™s fieldsā€¦ I take break weekends from itā€¦


Not fatigue anymore, thank God. Navapashanam seemed to fix that.


Just done the star and it wasnt as great as the first time i done it but my arms was slightly buzzying and a feel dizzy

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I definitely agree! I miss using it so much.

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May very well be!! One of my teachers who was an Enochian ritualist once told me, ā€œwhen you begin to emit light, the good ones are the last ones to come, the bad ones come first as they are attracted to this light, something they cannot have. At times, it feels like this is a test posed by the Archangels, to see if I am ready in body, mind, and energy for them and their graceā€ā€¦

For some reason, the other day I was meditating and your face kept coming in front of my eyes - hence deiced to post a messageā€¦ I am sure you will see through this testing time very soon! :pray:


I am not sure if itā€™s that or a combo of that, Bhooted Boots, and Maoā€™s prayer. Probably all of it! But yes I do feel them leaving. Thanks!


And what you do in situations of testing?

How you pass the test?


Play Hanuman Chalisa from youtube.

ā€˜Bhoot pisaach nikat na avaiā€™

Ghosts etc may not come nearā€¦


Pretty sick stack


Different folks have different ways I suppose?

Some rely on faith, some on self-confidence, some on prayers (which is what sees me through)ā€¦ The fuel for perseverance can be different things for different people. I usually rely on Shatachandi & Angelic Intercession.


Yup this is exactly what my thinking is. Theyā€™ve been successful at draining it too. Which means that I need to re evaluate my spiritual practice to successfully keep them away. It is definitely a test!

When I saw your message I had a feeling you got some kind of message.
I am sure I will get through it too. Thanks for the encouraging words. They help a lot!


Nice bro.

Booted boots if felt itā€™s like a sheet coming from above to protect you and saint Michael is more like a shield only in the part of you body that needs it